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rock photography

I love rock photography. I like taking pictures of the rock formations around my home. It gives me some time to relax and to reflect on things I have...

amber marie photography

We’re all aware that Amber Marie Photography is our favorite photography agency in the world. But we’re always surprised to see how much they love our work. And they...

wiccan photography

I spent a few years as a wiccan studying the art and craft of photography. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I learned a lot from...

charles ryder photography

I love the art and design of Charles Ryder. I have been a fan since the beginning of his career as a photographer. It was the first time I...

eric vest photography

From the moment I started shooting my first eric vest, I knew I wanted to continue shooting them. I have been a fan of vest photography since seeing how...

photography memes

If you want to see photographic-based memes, then you’ve come to the right place. Since you’re a photographer, you get to see these things on a lot but you...

un edited photography

I’m not sure if I should get an award for this or a warning. I don’t know if I should get one or not, but I do know that...

food photography seattle

This is a great article that discusses the use of food photography as a marketing tool to promote your business or personal brand. It highlights the importance of food...

harper parker photography

I’m a big fan of the work of Harper Parker and this is my go-to for any photography. The simple, yet powerful photography of her work has made me...

koi fish photography

I love photographing koi fish. It feels like you’re taking a picture of God. The fact that I’m doing it is what makes this such a special hobby. I...