
mannequin photography

I love mannequin photography because it makes me feel like I’m really there. I don’t have to make eye contact with the camera and have the light hitting my...

ein photography

I love the photograph as it shows the best of the view of the city. It is so simple, yet so effective. You can use an app like Google...

fluvanna sports photography

The fluvanna is a tropical fruit that is native to the island of Bali. It is grown in the wild, sold fresh, and the fruit is delicious in its...

dee and kris photography

For the past few months I’ve been working with dee and kris again. They both have a love for photography, they both have a passion for learning about photography,...

ac dc photography

This article is a bit long, so I’m going to break it into two. First, I’m going to cover what ac dc photography is. The basic principle behind ac...

once like a spark photography

The fact is that I have always been interested in sparking things. In fact, this is something I’ve always had a passion for. So when I stumbled upon the...

desert photography

This is one of my favorite topics and it is something I am constantly writing about. As someone who is very active in the arts and photography, I find...

blue photography

This is my favorite way to show off the magic of photography. It is really easy to create and can be used for just about anything. I like to...

commercial photography salary

Photography is such an important part of the culture of a small town, but it is the most underpaid sector of the field. I can’t tell you how many...

johnny tee photography

I was fortunate enough to take a class with John T. Tee from American Express in New York City. He has some amazing images and I can see myself...