The creative writing programs are among many art programs that aim to benefit prisoners during and after their time in prison. Programs such as these provide education, structure, and a creative outlet to encourage rehabilitation. These programs’ continuation relies heavily on volunteers and outside financial support from sources such as authors and activist groups.

As such, posts need to be well-written and demonstrate good command of language, grammar, punctuation, clarity, style and tone. Run your content through a spell check, and try to catch all the typos. Even after that, it’s best to manually proofread for those contextual spelling errors. As for grammar check, don’t even get me started – please don’t rely on automation. Though the definition can be quite vague, creative writing can, for the most part, be considered as any type of writing that is original and expressive of oneself. Typically, it can be identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, focusing on elements such as character development, narrative and plot, infusing its structure with imagination, invention and story.

Write to us Blog provides you an ample opportunity in order to become the blogger that you have wanted to be. Read further to get answers to the rest of your questions. However, before you do so if you have some amazing and creative ideas, great writing skills and would like to write for us, do ensure to contact us using the form available towards the end of this page. We are always hunting for aspiring, passionate, and professional writers and authors, who could help us to help them to get the best of their invested time and efforts.

Try to place an external link after you complete 85 percent of the article. Proper SEO guidelines must be followed to optimize the website content. The spam score of any article link must not be higher than 3 percent.

Interested in joining a Creative Writing summer course? Learn tried and tested writing techniques from some of Oxford and Cambridge’s greatest published tutors on our 2-week English Literature and Creative Writing summer course. Plot development – The story of your piece of writing – how it develops, unfolds, and moves along in time. This “sleep at home” retreat is an invitation to step out of the sway of the day-to-day into something different.

Typically be around 800 to 1,500 words (though longer or shorter isn’t out of the question). Explain, for example, how to constructively criticize your co-workers, how to build your own brand or strategies for presenting your work to clients. Also welcome are not-too-technical how-tos, such as how to evaluate a quality font, create a compelling infographic or sell your concept with a storyboard like Pixar pro. Thoughtfully discuss ethical and social issues in the creative industry. We’re looking for pieces that speak to our audience. Oh, and we pay; $ per article, depending on the length/topic/quality.

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