Usually the delamination strength is larger than the matrix cracking one for thin plies. On the other hand, for thick plies matrix cracking can generate unstable delaminations. Indeed, for plies thicker than a critical thickness value, which depends on the laminate stacking sequence, the appearance of a first matrix crack produces an unstable delamination.

Creep is much more affected by grain size, microstructure, and previous strain history, for instance, cold work and many other factors. ASTM defines creep as the time-dependent part of the strain resulting from the stress. Elastic deformation occurs with comparatively smaller deforming loads so that working stresses are within the elastic range. The size effect or geometry scaling gives significant results, as the increasing size of specimen leads to increasing brittleness numbers, which leads to brittle fracture. Where KIC is the fracture toughness of the laminates, a is semicenter crack length, and W is laminate width.

Creep Rupture Strength is the maximum stress that the material can withstand for a specified length of time without rupture. Pollution is regarded as one of the global biggest challenges towards sustainability of mankind. Studies have discovered that high percentage of these pollutants are from industrial by-product source, mostly from combustion of fuels during manufacturing and other applications.

Also mechanical properties, fracturgraphi and microstructure investigated through uniaxial tensile test, microharsness, scanning electron and optiv microscope. Value of tensile strength for Al/Cu layered composite received 415 MPa that compared to initial Al 5052 and pure Cu 48% and 140% enhanced, respectively. Also microhardness calculated for each layers of composite individually and for Al and Cu increased 14% and 83% respectively. Results of SEM demonstrated that ductile fracture mechanism govern for Al/Cu composite such as initial samples, but the difference is that dimples for composite layers shallower and smaller compared to initial samples. In this paper, a generalized spot weld model is presented for analyzing various performance attributes of spotwelded automotive structures. The spot weld model employs conventional definitions of beam- or nonlinear spring type elements.

All these geometrical irregularities act as stress raisers and the fatigue strength is greatly reduced due to the presence of such stress raisers. They consist of inclusion, decarburization, local overheating due to grinding porosity, etc. The main objective of the present work is to give experimentally the evolution of the brittleness number and relate it with the obtained strength and fracture energy release rate.

This localization of high stresses due to geometrical irregularities or abrupt changes of the cross-section is called ‘stress concentration’ and the discontinuities are called stress raisers. Stress distribution in a plate with a small circular hole, subjected to tensile load, is shown in figure 5.1. Apply protective surface coatings, select a more corrosion-resistant material, and reduce the corrosiveness of the environment. Values readily available for sharp notches and cracks, but one can always assume that such discontinuities produce the highest stress concentrations, sometimes factors of tens. This is the reason for brittle, high-strength materials being extremely sensitive even to minor scratches. In fatigue, for example, invisible toolmarks may lead to premature, unexpected failures in strong steels.

Plastic Deformation – Deformation that remains after the load causing it is removed. It is the permanent part of the deformation beyond the elastic limit of a material. Strain is the change in the length, or elongation per unit length, of a material under a tensile stress.

• For brittle materials, cracks are unstable—that is, crack propagation, once started, continues spontaneously without an increase in stress level. C) is not high enough to eliminate the stress profile, although some stresses will be relieved. The temperature is at the low end of the recovery temperature range, not within the high recovery or recrystallisation range necessary for residual stress elimination. This is, obviously, a good thing as the residual stresses are beneficial. The heat treatment is done to restrict the movement of mobile dislocations created during shot peening.

The creep becomes an important failure mechanism for a stainless steel above a temperature of 604 0C . Stress concentration is defined as – Localized stress considerably higher than average due to abrupt changes in geometry or localized loading. Adhesive wear is characterized by an intensive interaction between two bearing surfaces resulting from the mutual adhesion of metals at the junction. oolitic limestone depositional environment While abrasive wear is frequently encountered during industrial machining and may be defined as removal, by plowing or gouging out from the surface of the material by another body much harder than the abraded surface. Even in technology, hardness has been measured in various ways, and depending upon the field of science, or engineering considered, hardness measures different properties.

However, for ___________ ___________, cracks may spread extremely rapidly, with very little accompanying plastic deformation. In all engineering materials defects, cracks or flaws are inevitably present. They may be introduced during the solidification, fabrication, or heat treatment stages of the material. The fracture resisting capability of a machine component or an engineering structure, therefore, must be evaluated in the presence of cracks. The fracture resistance of a material in the presence of cracks or discontinuities is known as its fracture toughness. It is due to the reason that single crystals show a higher creep resistance than polycrystalline materials.