If I’m not mistaken, and I may be, the novelizations of films are canon, A New Hope non withstanding. It’s no secret that the Jedi botched their handling of Emperor Palpatine’s rise. The fact that Darth Sidious was operating stealthily under their noses was arguably their biggest failure as a governing body. In hindsight, Obi-Wan may have effectively derailed the Sith’s evil plans to create the evil Empire had he killed Anakin, leaving Emperor Palpatine without his planned sidekick who mostly remained loyal to him until Return of the Jedi. That said, it’s also understandable why he couldn’t bring himself to kill Anakin. Firstly, executing an already defeated enemy contradicts the Jedi Code, and Obi-Wan was a stickler for those rules.

Several people mentioned the code and it is implied by the novel exerpt Bubbapilot quoted. But Obi-wan like all us humans have feelings we cling to people possesions we start to hate or like them thats what makes us human well one thing anyway. The book then goes on to say that he started running because if he hurried he could honor the memory of Anakin and their friendship by saving Padme. If that’s the case, then everything about the series could turn Darth Vader canon on its helmet. Instead Obi-Wan makes a concentrated effort to remove every non robotic limb off of the poor bastard as he’s jumping over lava and then just leaves him laying there immolated while talking about love.

Other words which may have inspired the name are “death” and “invader”, as well as the name of a high-school upperclassman of Lucas’s, Gary Vader. And the saddest thing is that there was nothing he could do about it. … The first case is shortly after ROTS when Vader was making his Sith lightsaber. Conflict in their situation is inevitable because Padmé would never agree to follow him, and Vader would not allow her to leave, because he’d need to “save” her at all costs.

They do, when Mace was going to kill Palpatine Anakin screamed that isn’t the Jedi way. Same when he killed dooku, he regretted it and said that wasn’t the Jedi way. And yet it is all the aspects of Luke that his teachers frame as failure that ultimately lead to the success of their plan. Luke refuses to take emotion out of the equation, and as a result, he draws out what tenderness is left in Vader.

Most of the Jedi have been wiped out, and resistance to the Empire is a bad bet when it’s on its way in; Palpatine has too many resources, he planned his takeover too carefully. “I wish I could tell you,” Christensen told EW, barely giving us a clue. “I’m sworn to secrecy.” So will we see Hayden Christensen’s face at all? Or is he just going to be in the Vader helmet the entire time and sounding like James Earl Jones?

As the Reddit user explains, this is a story that Anakin has likely heard many times. But Obi-Wan has come to realize, as he’s grown older and wiser, how risky this maneuver actually was at the time. ANAKIN follows, and OBI-WAN cuts his young apprentice at the knees, then cuts off his left arm in the blink of an eye. ANAKIN tumbles down the embankment and rolls to a stop near the edge of the lava.

With nowhere to turn, he looked to his savior, Palpatine. During the duel, Obi-Wan Kenobi yells toAnakin that he was the Chosen One. A title Anakin seemed to be fond of at one point in time, but no longer felt attached to. He did not feel as though he could trust his Jedi mentor, and that crumbled his honor and loyalty toward the Jedi Order. All this time, he was trying to protect the person he loved most. He was doing everything for her, so they didn’t have to live in hiding, even if it meant working with the Dark Side.

This battle was obviously an emotionally-devastating event for Obi-Wan, but the hard part, dismembering Anakin, was already done. Killing him would have been the least Obi-Wan could do for a man who was like family to him. Can someone explain why the code prevents him from killing Anakin? It seemed in the movie that killing Vader was precisely Obi Wan’s mission.

A brilliant reading of the Revenge of the Sith scene connects all the way back to the Darth Maul duel in Episode I. Ahsoka Tano was a Jedi Padawan till an infection caused her mind to be warped and turned to the dark side. She was later turned back to the light side by Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and clone Captain Rex. Ezra is using the force 420x coin like a seasoned Jedi; all signs point to him forgoing the light and becoming a Sith. During the final arc of season five, Ahsoka is framed and imprisoned for a deadly explosion and a subsequent murder, both of which were committed by her friend Barriss Offee. Yet it is Tarkin who sees Vader as a human being and Obi-Wan who views him as a monster.

The Emperor orders Vader to dispatch another Inquisitor to capture her. Later in the season, Ahsoka has a vision in which Anakin blames her for allowing him to fall to the dark side. In the season finale, Ahsoka duels with her former master inside a Sith Temple, allowing her friends to escape Vader and the temple’s destruction. As the episode concludes, Vader escapes from the temple’s ruins while Ahsoka’s fate is left unknown. Vader makes a final voiceless cameo in the late fourth-season episode “A World Between Worlds”, in which it is revealed that Ahsoka escaped from her previous duel with Vader by entering a Force-realm that exists outside of time and space. Shortly afterward, Vader’s voice is heard echoing in the void.