The Supply Chain Management Strategy Trap Jyler Supply Chain Management Chain Management Supply Chain Model 16Marketing logistics involves which of the following distribution flows. Types Of Logistics Logistics Management Logistics Marketing Information 59 Marketing logistics involves which of the following distribution flows. Why is it important for manufacturers to be sensitive to the needs of their dealers? Distribution systems should adhere to the marketing concept, focus on target markets and have sufficient flexibility to enable an organisation to respond to market changes and new market opportunities. There are a range of models which can be applied to vehicle scheduling. In this text, the savings method, the simplified delivery service model and the TRANSIT model will be briefly described.

As the company builds up its resource base, it is likely to steadily extend the range of its distribution up to the point where further increases in distribution intensity can no longer be economically justified. Manufacturers need to balance the total costs of a shipping method with its disadvantages in terms of possible service level. Rail transportation is the most efficient way to move bulk shipments over long distances.

For example, a company that manufactures clothes and sells them directly to its customers using an e-commerce platform would be utilizing a direct distribution channel. By contrast, if that same company were to rely on a network of wholesalers and retailers to sell its products, then it would be using an indirect distribution channel. Physical distribution represents both a cost component and a marketing tool for the purpose of stimulating customer demand.

A distribution channel refers to the flow of business that occurs between a manufacturer and a consumer. Distributors are the intermediaries that deliver and house products for producers to sell to retailers. A distributor is defined as someone who purchases products, stores them, and then sells them through a distribution channel. They are in between manufacturers and retailers or consumers, working on behalf of a particular company as opposed to representing themselves.

The more warehousing space or larger the warehouse you need comes with a higher price tag, especially if you invest in the infrastructure yourself. The concept of DFL states that products and their packaging design can lower the expenses related to logistics. For example, soda cans became flat on top, making them easier and cheaper to transport and store.

In practice, many organizations use a mix of different channels; a direct sales force may call on larger customers. This may be complemented with other agents to cover smaller customers and prospects. When a single organization uses a variety of different channels to reach its markets, this is known as a multi-channel distribution network.

Stores in isolated locations must use promotion or some other aspect of their marketing mix to attract shoppers. Still, as indicated in the next Newsline, malls are facing serious problems. Better yet, directly selling eliminates organizations between the user and the producer, and therefore can be even lower cost . Wholesalers are willing to buy large shipments of goods, but usually at a significant discount.

The wholesaler may also have an inventory in the local market, thus speeding delivery and improving service. The wholesaler assists the producer by making products more accessible to buyers. They provide the producer with wide market coverage how to pronounce shein chinese information about local market trends in an efficient manner. Wholesalers may also help with the promotion of a producer’s products to a local or regional market via advertising or a sales force to call on organizational buyers.

Re-order point – Repeated orders should be given for keeping stock of goods/inventory. Decision should be taken to give timely re-order for the supply of goods so that there is neither lack of stock nor unnecessarily huge quantity of inventor. Due to the difficulty of obtaining response information or the costs involved in estimating the response relationship, this approach may be unfeasible for many firms. The approach would be particularly difficult to apply in situations where customer patronage depends on several aspects of service.

Such provisions keep away cut throat competition; prevent creation of monopoly and the like which are objectionable to public interests. Many products carry a warranty and this is used by the consumer post purchase. The responsibility of serving the warranty has to be well established. For example, industrial markets are usually concentrated in a few large cities involving only large customers.