Your submission is subject to review by the SmartBrief editorial staff and does not guarantee automatic publication. By submitting your post to SmartBrief, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to our editorial guidelines and grant permission for a SmartBrief editor to edit your post. Content that comes with a distinct, unique message. Try to avoid content that has already been covered on the site. This is where personal experience, current events, and the conjunction of the two are excellent as fodder.

This means news or stories you can’t find anywhere else on the Internet. Sometimes, We will typically give your piece our own headline so that it fits Foodwalas style. We’ll also illustrate the post with our own photos .

Send an email to pr (@) foodwalas (.) com with the name of the contributor as well as his/her credentials. We receive lots of admissions every day but you will definitely hear back if we’re interested. On a case by case basis, we accept posts/articles from outside contributors that fit in nicely with the areas we cover. We don’t pay freelancers, but we’re willing to republish blog posts or articles that you retain the rights to. We receive daily pitches from writers who would like to guest post with us.

Find a unique perspective or angle or niche that you wish to write about. Figure out what kind of food writing are you interested in. We know there are many talented people out there, many stories still to be told… we are here for this reason and that’s why we wanna value you and your time. Additionally, if you are interested in a research & writing internship or fellowship please check out available positions HERE.

Adding keywords to increase SEO or driving readers to websites for promotional purposes is not allowed. Our writers cover many many topics — you can write about a similar topic provided you offer an original viewpoint that is corroborated by facts. The best piece of advice to make sure your article will be published is to go through our blog and understand the theme and writing style. Please read the guidelines below before submitting your ideas. Our editorial review process currently takes around 1-2 weeks.

So if you are a food lover and interested in writing for us, then we would like to hear from you. So, before you submit your pitch, please read the following submission guidelines. The guest posts on Food must be related to parenting or motherhood.

Our readers will be going to get the best content to read in return. Make sure it is a guest post, and it is not good if you are expecting money in return. We always appreciate the hard work you have done to prepare the blog. providing an opportunity to submit a guest post into our website.

Read on to find out more about writing opportunities with us and to submit a story pitch. We didn’t have any readers when we initially started out as food bloggers. When we first learned about guest posting possibilities, we were perplexed as to why someone would give away content that they might utilize on their own blog. However, we now recognize that contributing to a food blog is a fantastic way to obtain visibility and make oneself known in the community. We are searching for creative writers who can create material that is useful, helpful, and interesting. To encourage people to interact with our site, we consistently offer high-quality information.