Due to the competitive nature of the grants, and our desire to fund as many students as possible, applicants are only eligible for funding once for each type of grant per academic year. GPSG provides grants to University of Iowa graduate and professional students to travel, conduct research, or engage in a service project. The GPSG Travel Award is offered through a competitive process for graduate and professional students at Indiana University Bloomington.

Applicants are responsible for submitting all purchase requests within six months of receiving funding . Reimbursement for items purchased before the award was received will not be allowed. Activities that could otherwise be funded through GPSG Travel or Service Grants will not be considered for Research Grant funding. If you have questions regarding the GPSG Grant Program, please emailGPSG- To apply for a GPSG Grant, pleaseclick here to be taken to Engage, our online application management system. Now is the chance to get involved and make a difference on campus for your fellow students.

GPSG provides funding for graduate and professional students traveling for research or educational conferences through Individual and Group Travel Awards. Students interested in receiving a Travel Award must apply well in advance of their intended travel date. All applications are reviewed by the Travel Awards Committee, a standing committee of the GPSG Senate, and approved by the full Senate. This is a very competitive process, and we receive many applications each cycle. GPSG is committed to promoting graduate and professional student academic and professional development. Graduate and Professional Education Grants provide financial support for students traveling to programs or events that are vital to their studies.

To honor the best of the best among IUPUI’s graduate and professional students, GPSG hosts the Elite 50 awards program each spring. Following each cycle’s deadline, the GPSG Grants Director reviews and prepares all applications. S/he then provides them to the GPSG Grants Committee for review. The committee reviews the applications and scores each application based on whether or not they meet specific criteria .

Awards may be applied to your Ubill balance, reduce your loan amounts, paid by direct deposit, or a combination of any of these methods. The impact of the award to financial aid is unique to each student and cannot be predicted by the Student Organization Business Office. Applications for each cycle will be announced on this page as they are opened. Please use the links to the right to apply for the program using our Qualtrics surveys. G.R.A.D. Aggies professional development event information and reflection – see template and Reflection Screengrab Instructions.

Funding decisions are then communicated to the applicants by the GPSG Grants Director. Depending on the date of receipt of the application and the total number of applications submitted that cycle, it may take up to six weeks to receive a funding decision. Students that do not receive funding may reapply during a later grant cycle. The Center of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Career Development aims to enhance the lifelong professional development of doctoral and postdoctoral trainees at the University of Pittsburgh. Each year, the Islamic Studies Program offers awards to support graduate student travel to conferences or for field work.

The program usually offers a limited number of competitive awards each grant cycle. Travel awardees are selected based on need and relevance of the project to Islamic Studies . We do not place specific restrictions on the types of research, travel, or service that we will fund. Successful applicants should be able to make a strong case for how their proposed research, service, or travel will contribute to their educational and/or professional development.

Please allow time for processing all the paperwork before inquiring about your award. Submit your Travel Expense Report electronically via email at GPSG- or if travel has already occurred, attach it to your grant application. For more www ohrid news information about the conference and call for papers please clickhere. Recognizing the enormity of the challenges our students might face in daily life, EGSO is dedicated to making a lasting impact with our resources and allies.

If you are receiving funding from other sources (e.g. your academic department) to travel to the conference/symposium, you need to note this information in the online application form. One academic year consists of 3 separate application windows open for 2 weeks each. It is not possible to apply for travel funding outside these application windows. Each application window only accepts submissions for conferences that take place within a particular period of time.