I think of this photography as “grit”. It’s a snapshot of my life that I take as it unfolds every day. It’s something that I took into the studio, to the camera, and later to the page. I hope you enjoy the process as much as I have.
I’m not kidding. I love my photography. I’m not even exaggerating. I don’t even care that it’s not “serious” or that I only have a few snaps to show. It’s more important to me that the photos I take capture my soul. They tell a story. They show the world in a particular way, and the way I see it. That’s what I strive for in life.
The way you take pictures tells a story and will be preserved for a long time. You can create a narrative by putting the subject (or objects) in the frame and giving some kind of meaning to it. This is especially useful for photos of yourself and also for that of your pets. If you are a pet owner, you will be able to add a story to your pet photos as well.
In recent years, we’ve seen a shift in the way photographers use their cameras. Nowadays, many of them like to use a smartphone camera, which makes it easier for them to get a great shot. I’ve always been fascinated by photography and have watched how photographers have changed the way we take pictures over the years.
For many years, I was a great fan of the use of the flash to create shadows. You know, that moment when your subject’s face disappears in a flash of light. And, while I’m making a point, I’m also saying that you can do that using your smartphone camera too.
I think this is one of the most important ideas to share with people. This is because it allows people to take better photos because their camera doesnt need to rely on flash, which is why most people are very slow to appreciate the use of flash. And, you can also use any camera app to create the same effect.
But, what about the time when you need to take your best shot? Like when you’re trying to get a perfect shot of someone you’re trying to get into a car with? You can’t take the perfect shot of them in the dark because they’ll get in the way. You have to take a shot that’s as good as you can make it, no matter what your ambient light is.
Photography is a lot like that. You don’t need flash when you’re shooting someone, but you do need a light source that can illuminate the subject. So in general, if you’re lighting the subject with a light source that is not strong enough (i.e. not strong enough to illuminate the subject for you), you’ll end up with a shot that is blurry, or even just doesn’t look very good.
If youre out in the woods and youre shooting a deer and youre not comfortable with the ambient light, youll need to use a long lens to compensate for the lack of light. Since most of us don’t have long lenses, we have no choice but to use a wide angle, but that means youll have to work a lot harder to get a good shot.
We dont know exactly what caused the deer to lose its light source, but we do know that if it was out in the woods, there are better ways to light a deer, so you can shoot it like a rifle.