This article tells you where to guest post and how to get a guest post published on big sites. But, the tips given above are often useless in this case. The author doesn’t give any clue as to why those tips are useful for guest posts on big sites. Also, he advises that you should not ask permission before submitting your content to any site which publishes your post. And, that too, without improving it after getting feedback from the editors or writers at those sites.

Getting Your Article Published on a Big Site

The truth is that not all guest posts are published in the big sites. Some of them end up getting published at smaller sites. You can, therefore, consider the following tips to get published on big sites:

1. Select Big Sites:

The first thing you should do is to select the right site from which to get your post published. This will help you save a lot of time and effort. If you choose any random site without checking its popularity and authority, you may not even get your article published there. Therefore, find out about the most popular sites and then focus on them when pitching your post to them.

You can check the Alexa ranking of your target site. Big sites usually have a high Alexa ranking. While writing your post, try to use some advanced SEO rules to ensure that it gets a good rank in the search engines.

2. Make a Great First Impression:

If you want to get your post published in big sites, you need to make a great first impression and build up trust among the publishers there. That means you should not waste time by sending useless emails which only contain one or two lines about your post. Instead, send an email with an interesting headline and one or two lines about what is special about your post.

That said, you should not mention your post in every email that you send. If you do so, then the publishers will stop reading your emails as they will be flooded with similar pitches from other people. Instead, include a link to it in the last paragraph of your emails.

3. Craft an Email Pitch Designed to Hook Bloggers’ Attention:

The first thing that a publisher looks at is the email pitch. So, it should look professional and interesting enough to catch their attention and make them want to read more about your post. A good pitch will include a compelling headline and a few lines at the beginning of your email which will make the publisher feel that he is going to enjoy reading your post.

If you are pitching your guest post to an influential site, then you should also add some links in the email which will help boost the chances of it getting published there. These can be some of the sites that already publish similar pieces and/or other sites which are related to the publication site’s target audience.

4. Use Google to Promote Yourself:

There is no point in writing an amazingly researched article if you do not make it easy for people to find it, especially on Google. You should include the keywords that your article is about in the headline and also at other places in the article.

Also, you should use keywords that are related to your post and which are likely to be searched by people after getting to know your post. This will make it easier for people who are interested in the topic to find your post.

5. Plan Your Guest Post with Top-Notch Research:

Before you even start writing your guest post, you need to do some research on the site that will publish it and its readership. The more information you have before starting writing, the better your chances of being accepted by them as they see that you have taken their publication seriously.

So, you should read all of the site’s content and then try to find its target audience. You will have a lot of ideas by doing this and from there you can plan your post effectively.

You should also note that big sites often get at least twenty guest posts every day. So, if you want yours to stand out from this huge number, you need to make it interesting enough for them as they will be reading through a lot of guest posts in a day. Get Ready to Write!


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