If your guest post has fresh, useful information for freelance writers, we may still be interested in publishing it, but do not pay in this scenario. If you’ve got an idea that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward, we want to hear about it. But you don’t need to wait for an idea that will redefine web design. Just aim to bring readers a fresh perspective on a topic that’s keeping you up at night.

Most about us pages include photos of staff — whether that be the C-suite, the founders, or all members of your team. If possible, opt for professional headshots on a neutral background. Ideally, your team’s photos will have a similar color scheme to your company’s colors.

Does your website have an effective About Us page? Your About Us page could be the tipping point in converting more visitors into customers. Go ahead, give them a peek behind the scenes. Once your visitors get to know you, they’ll like you. And if they trust you, they’ll give you their business. If someone were to ask you about your business today, what would you say?

We buy all rights to your post and ask that your post is original and not posted somewhere else at the same time. Read on to learn why About Us pages are extra important for ecommerce sites, tips on how to build the perfect About Us page, and tools and examples to help you feel inspired and get started. We publish articles of anywhere between 600–2,500 words, depending on subject complexity. Articles often run with a custom illustration. Articles may be casual in tone and content—great for less-intensive tutorials and posts—or rigorously structured and edited.

Read the blog post requirements and topics requirements before sending the post. I think connecting your content to the core themes you talk about on your about page is brilliant . When most people are just starting their blogs from scratch though, I usually don’t recommend lingering on perfecting your about me page for too long. Honesty is always the best policy—especially when writing an About Me page where you hope to build genuine relationships with your readers. Be honest about your strengths, skills and experiences.

Most companies have some sort of core values or principles. These are usually five or six points that guide your culture and business philosophy. These are often treated like something that’s pinned on the wall and forgotten, existing only because someone decided they needed to one day.

One of its primary purposes is to sell yourself to your readers. In order to do that, you must tastefully call attention your expertise without overtly bragging or distancing yourself from your readers. It takes time and a well-executed blog strategy to go from beginner to expert in any field, so being up front in sharing your own humility along that journey is key.

Yes, users need to know who you are and what services you provide. But your page should also acknowledge the softer stuff that people are curious about. Truvani knows its audience cares about how the company creates its health and food products. A common struggle when writing About pages is figuring out how to transition from focusing on your reader to sharing information about your company.