Continuing education opportunities abound at professional conferences and in professional journals. Furthermore, the advent of the Internet has brought new access to continuing education through the availability of online certificate and other training programs. These distance-based programs—particularly the ones offered through accredited schools of public health—offer an invaluable alternative to the sometimes-prohibitive costs and time commitment of travel for state and local public health professionals. Culturally and linguistically appropriate materials are a critical component of outreach efforts in a country in which many immigrant languages are spoken. Public health professionals can use decennial census data or community level needs assessments to determine how many and which languages are spoken in a geographic region.

Patient education and counselling are most effective when the family understands the relationship between a behaviour change and the resulting health outcome. When identifying that a family would benefit from a change in health behaviour, consider the family members’ perceptions about the health change, barriers and benefits to change, and plan interventions to enhance the possibility for change. Health promotion and health maintenance activities are closely linked and often overlap, but there are some differences. Health maintenance focuses on known potential health risks and seeks to prevent them, or identify them early so that intervention can occur. Health promotion looks at the strengths and goals of individuals, families, and populations, and seeks to use them to assist in reaching higher levels of wellness.

This can be through direct contact with the patient or risk group, or act indirectly through changes in the environment, legislation, or public policy. Control of AIDS is also a clinical problem in that patients need antiretroviral therapy , but this becomes a management and policy issue for making these why does nicotine make you poop drugs available and at an affordable price for the poor countries most affected. This is an example of the challenge and effectiveness of health promotion and the New Public Health. The Health Research Extension Act of 1985, Section 8, called for a study of personnel for health needs of the elderly.

Public health professionals have documented the numbers of uninsured children in their states, and worked with federal and state policymakers to institute outreach and “wrap around services” that assure the universal provision of health care. An education or early career in community health sciences can form a solid foundation for a career in medicine as a physician, psychiatrist, or nurse practitioner, and might even lead the health professional to practice in an at-risk geographic area. A community health worker might also go on to become a hospital administrator or government health official. Healthcare disparities can be especially prevalent in rural and low-income communities where hospitals have closed down and physician shortages exist. More than 7,000 primary care, 6,000 dental, and 5,500 mental health shortage areas currently exist in the U.S., according to the Health Resources & Services Administration .

Community health workers are also involved in basic medical screenings or care; informal counseling; research; and health education and advocacy. PRECEDE/PROCEED suggests that program planners start with the assessment of quality of life and health problems. Often health educators start somewhere within the model, depending on their task description or the specific moment in the ongoing health promotion planning process.