needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. I’ve been fascinated with the thought of floating around in an isolation tank ever since I first saw the film Altered States ten years ago. About half the chapters convey a very scholarly approach on the topic at hand, covering everything from how to build a tank, to problems, obstacles, issues you might have in using the tank, to what to expect in the tank, to how they conducted their research, and so on.

He’s become a sort of personal hero to me, as I feel drawn to his passion for wanting to understand and his bravery and dedication towards using himself as a research subject, even at the cost of his own personal life and professional life. Lots of people have their personal nightmare; you know, the one that re-occurs overs the years, the one that horrifies them to the core, even if sometimes it doesn’t seem very scary when talking about it. I realize if I take a picture of my hand, it’s going to be hard to see the hole. The palm side of the hole is larger than the top of my hand, which is sort of black around the edges of the hole. It’s not huge, but it’s there, and it’s kinda freaking me out. I look it up online and find some dumbass who posted on Yahoo! Answers something about a hole in his hand, complete with an obviously doctored photo of his hand with a big hole in it. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

I finished reading the Exorcist book about 2 weeks ago – fascinating how the fear lurks in my mind and comes out so much later in this dream. This fear slowly dissipated in its intensity over the years; but instead of becoming something I ignorantly feared, it just turned into a fear deep in my head, somewhere. You know, that wonderful place where logic doesn’t apply so well like it does it the real world to contain our fears. This is a great method for reality testing because you can do this no matter where you are, in any context, in both the dream world and in waking life. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

I want to quote at length from these logs, because I think the reports of the actual experience make for a more immediate understanding of what isolation tanks are all about. Published all the way back in 1977, this book is a bit of mixture of 2 things – scholarly research into sensory deprivation via the isolation tank & how it effects the brain, and the philosophical underpinnings of the experiences and what it means as far as reality/mind. That little girl from The Exorcist has now appeared in my dreams for years, making many a guest appearance. I had a dream that tied into this method for reality testing, which is both clever and maddening at once. It hints at some kind of intelligence operating within our dreaming minds, unconscious or irrelevant to our intentions. These chapters on reality contain some of the most fascinating pieces in the book, with Lilly mapping out stages and ranges of consciousness/experience and exploring the old mind / brain / body problem .