Sometimes it means productivity, sometimes satisfaction, and sometimes quality of work life. What is successful to employees is not always the same as what is successful to management, and that is not necessarily the same as what is successful to the first-level supervisor. To meet these goals, employees should be respected and involved in all aspects of decision-making and planning. Involvement increases employee morale, commitment, and awareness in the workplace. When you work together, you get a sense of purpose and a common goal to work and cut the unhealthy conflict and competition.

For example, give your employees an opportunity to drive your company’s CEO car for a week or the chance to leave work early. The more actionable an incentive is, the higher ceiling of fulfillment it has for the employee. In this article, we will define the difference between job satisfaction and morale and how you can maintain these concepts in the workplace. This meeting is often conducted by a member of the human resource management department.

During this study researchers attempted to replicate their findings from study 1 by using a large sample of US federal government workers from the Office of Personnel Management. The data was collected from a random stratified sample of workers where demographic information and scaled rated questionnaire responses were submitted by participants (Sweeney & McFarlin, 2005). Sarah was hired at Corporation X to work in their Human Resources department after she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management. As of current, Sarah has been with Corporation X for 3 years and is in line to move into a management position within the next six months.

Low morale results in inefficiency, waste, industrial indiscipline. Keith Davis contends one of the surest of deteriorating human relations is the phenomenon known as “low morale”. In its most sinister form it lurks behind wildcat strikes, slowdowns, and absenteeism and employee turnover.

Workers should be selected only on the basis of their ability to do the job. Equity Theory is a good resource for organizations to consider when it comes to understanding social comparison amongst employees. However, as with any theory, there are strengths and weaknesses in terms of both practice and research. Thus, in order to understand the use and applicableness of the Equity Theory as an explanation and/or as a motivator in the workplace it is vital that these strengths and weaknesses be reviewed and evaluated. If managers can help prevent perceptions of inequality they can help prevent their employees from becoming de-motivated. Swinton developed a list of ways an employee can express motivation.

Morale is the enthusiasm and willingness to work with which the people perform their assigned work with zeal and sincerity resulting in good team work and have high morale. If they feel frustration, of rudges, disappointments and discontents, they will have low morale. The research out by Rensis Likert indicated the fact that there can be different combinations of morale and productivity. But on the other hand, according to Prof Keith Davis, “There is not always a positive correlation between morale and productivity.” A manager can push for high productivity by using scientific management techniques.

Outcomes are the rewards an individual receives for their inputs. Outcomes can include pay, benefits, status symbols, and even intrinsic rewards. The value of an outcome is determined by the recipient , so no outcome has a specific objective measure. For example, an individual might rate their college degree as a more valuable input than the college degree of another person due to their perception on a college’s prestige. An individual makes more money than a co-worker, but has a less flexible schedule; they might value the flexible schedule more than their extra income. An individual calculates their subjective value of inputs and outcomes then compares it to others’ ratios in order to determine if it is equitable.

So in many cases the issue is more persistent biases than requirements of the job; and all workers, regardless of size or sex, need safety provisions. This is reflected, for instance, in the new draft Code on Safety and Health in Agriculture that makes no distinction which las vegas hotel often receives requests for the “rain man suite” and the “hangover suite”? based on sex or physical stature of the worker. Social origin includes social class, socio-occupational category and caste. Social origin may be used to deny certain groups of people access to various categories of jobs or limit them to certain types of activities.

The positive rewards lead to a more positive employee who is highly motivated. The negative rewards lead to obviously a less motivated employee. 4.The greater tension an individual feels due to perceived inequity, the harder they will work to decrease their tension and increase perceived levels of equity (Huseman, et. al., 1987).