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I have been fascinated with lacrosse since I saw a picture of it on the front page of the New York Times. My childhood passion for lacrosse was ignited by the sport itself. I watched the game as an adult with my grandfather, but my early love for the sport only grew as I watched it evolve from a game played by boys to a sport played by girls.

Lacrosse had a pretty clear start, back in the late 1960s and early 1970s when it was played by girls. Many of the early players were women from the East Coast, and the sport spread to the Mid-Atlantic and West Coast in the early 1970s. The first lacrosse championship was played in Philadelphia in 1974 and was won by a team comprised of girls from St. Louis and Washington, D.C.

In the early 80s, when the sport became more popular among men, many of the early players were men of color, and the sport became more widely known by now. However, in the late 80s and early 90s, the sport began to rise in popularity among more of the world’s population. Today, there are more than 20,000 players of all shapes and sizes competing on lacrosse teams around the world.

The sport is played by men and women of all races, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, and the sport is still growing as the number of players increases. One of the biggest differences between men and women is that women also play the game of lacrosse, but with a very different set of rules. While the rules for women are similar to men, the game is much more physical and a lot more violent.

The game has its roots in the 19th century, when men were allowed to shoot their lacrosse balls at each other. When men started taking the game to the next level, they started making rules that were more violent. The first rule was one that said you couldn’t hit your lacrosse ball with any part of your body. While they didn’t use that rule anymore, the game became one that was more violent and violent, but it also became one that was more dangerous.

The game has been called off, but the developers are currently working on a new version that will include a setting that will prevent players from shooting each other.

We could be missing something here.

I think this is the part where people are starting to wonder if lacrosse is more violent than soccer or basketball — and it turns out, no. It’s a very violent game, but it’s not violent by any stretch. It’s not a game that is so violent that it makes people run away from it and hide. Its not a game that is so violent that players can’t even do anything for fear of getting shot.

Some of the things that lacrosse players do are pretty violent. Some of the things players do to each other are pretty violent. Its just the violence we do in sports that doesn’t get people killed.

Lacrosse isn’t a sport in the usual sense of the word. Soccer and basketball are sports in the usual sense of the word. But lacrosse is not a sport, it’s a game. And that means that players have to be prepared to be killed. They are expected to kill each other, their teammates, and themselves. In fact, they are expected to kill a small child, a mother, a father, and a father figure.


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