The survivors gathered from near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor. Once you finish the quest involving the 2nd level 50 dungeon, SAM and RDM are available to pick up. This decision is ultimately one we were forced to make due to the number of visitors from your region when compared to the operational costs necessary to continue providing access there. It was a tough decision but one that we ultimately had to accept. We genuinely apologize for the inconvenience this will cause all of those who reside within your region.

Performing actions in a certain order increases potency and applies combo bonuses. Red Magic Mastery RDM74Reduces Contre Sixte recast timer to 35 seconds and increases the potency of both Verthunder II and Veraero II to 120. Sleep Magical Ranged DPS10Spell8002.5s2.5sPuts target and all nearby enemies to sleep. Aetheric Burst Magical Ranged DPSAbilityInstant45sDeals unaspected damage with a potency of 1600 to all nearby enemies. Corps-a-corps RDMAbilityInstant30sRushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 800.

An obviously distraught girl has begged you to help rescue her sister from a group of kidnappers. It seems a passing traveler has engaged the villains in combat, but the odds are not in his favor. Head out through the Gate of Thal, and find the well-dressed lass in central Thanalan. Following us on Social Media or creating an account on our platform. This way, you will be up to date with the news we have every day. If you want to share some comments, or you have a question for us, you can write it in the box below.

But rather than mourn this separation, X’rhun seems positive that the paths of you who defy the tides of destiny will one day cross again… Upon imbibing the alchemical mixture, Arya seems to recover almost immediately from her weakened state. X’rhun is quick to remind her, however, that any arcane exertion could soon send her back into a state of mindless hunger. Continue to hone your own skills that you might better aid Arya in returning to her beloved journey along the path of the red mage.

Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline was built, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back against the rising tides of destruction. You arrive back in the Pillars, and X’rhun expresses his defiance in the face of voidsent-ordained destiny. Unwilling to abandon Arya to her fate, your mentor is determined to find her before Lilith can complete her ritual of possession. Focus your energies, and ensure you are prepared when the times comes to mount a rescue. ※The next red mage quest will be available from X’rhun Tia upon reaching level 70.

Riol tells you that he decided to track the merchantman’s trade goods back to their source, and discovered a link to Castrum Meridianum in northern Thanalan. Considering the relation between Lambard and the Empire, you conclude that this imperial base is likely the source of the cabal’s orders. Speak with X’rhun in the Drowning Wench, and devise a plan of action.

Enchanted Zwerchhau RDMWeaponskillInstant1.5sDelivers and attack to target. Enchanted Moulinet RDM52WeaponskillInstant1.5sDeals unaspected damage with a potency of 130 to all enemies in a cone before you. Moulinet RDM52WeaponskillInstant2.5sDelivers mayor jeff graham blog an attack with a potency of 60 to all enemies in a cone before you. Action upgraded to Enchanted Moulinet if both Black Mana and White Mana are at 20 or more. Verstone RDM30Spell2002s2.5sDeals earth damage with a potency of 330.

Also, make sure you are listening to what the NPC dialogue is telling you to do, as a lot of people try to just steamroll ahead without paying attention to it. Although X’rhun struggles in his negotiations to access the Tribunal archives, your status as Ishgard’s savior soon wins over the sour-faced official. With little else to do whilst your mentor helps scour the records, you agree to meet Arya at the Last Vigil. You meet X’rhun near the Ziggurat, and after a brief history lesson he sets you to work searching for records of Lambard’s transformation ritual.