Take a sample of the caustic solution from the balance tank and check concentration using the test kit for Caustic Wash. Record concentration of caustic wash on the Sanitation Test Log. Wash parts using a clean brush, making sure to wash all surfaces and parts. Cheese process equipment includes the pasteurizer, cheese vat, cheese press, tables, and utensils used during the manufacture of cheese.

All staff members should have a consistent attitude to cleaning so that it becomes second nature to ensure that all areas and equipment are safe. The government has issued guidelines for food safety and these steps should be incorporated into your policy. These reflect food hygiene training required by the catering industry. Your policy should include clear instructions regarding the following areas.

This scale is an ideal place for microorganisms to attach as a biofilm in which they are protected from cleaners and sanitizers. In addition, scale buildup can reduce heat-transfer efficiency and reduce the which researcher believed that dreams simply reflect life events that are important to the dreamer? internal diameter of pipes. Cleaners such as nitric, phosphoric and muriatic acids are used to remove hard-water scale, mineral deposits, rust and films left by incomplete rinsing of alkaline cleaners.

They are not compatible with common detergent compounds or chlorine sanitizers. Hot water sanitizing is commonly used where immersing the contact surfaces is practical (e.g., small parts, utensils). Depending upon the application, sanitation may be achieved by immersing parts or utensils in 77°C to 85°C water for 45 seconds to 5 minutes. Minerals found in water can negatively affect the performance of cleaners and sanitizers. These salts not only tie up active ingredients, requiring higher application rates, but also may precipitate out as mineral scale.

Using too hot water or improper cleaners can “set” soils, making them more difficult to remove. Working promptly with the proper cleaner will ease soil removal. Incomplete cleaning/sanitation encourages the development of a biofilm, which becomes an ongoing source of bacterial contamination from apparently clean surfaces. Point out that the storage area should be well-lighted so employees can identify chemicals easily, and that it should also be equipped with hooks for hanging mops, brooms, and other cleaning tools. Use laundry services with hot water (70–80°C x 10 min) [158–176°F] to reprocess cloths and mop heads, if they are available.