If you have a whip antenna that is bent, it will not work well. Of course, make sure your antenna is up and you are not inside a metal boathouse when you are testing. It is important to note that these signals are affected by ground conditions like geophysical features and electromagnetic conductivity. As such, there may be a number of paths they take between two points of communication.

A sailboat needs to have a junction at the base of the mast so that the mast may be removed when necessary. The connectors at this and all junctions or terminals should be gold plated and installed carefully using the correct tools. In the above equations, the heights are in meters, and the power is in watts. Adding 3.45km to the DTV protection contour of 134.2km gives a keep-out region of 137.6km around the DTV transmitter.

MAYDAY – is the distress signal, and requires the most urgent response. This signal is only to be used when a person, or boat is threatened by grave or imminent danger, and requires assistance. In emergency situations, there are certain procedures to follow to ensure prompt response to your need for help. There are three phrases that you might hear on a VHF radio, and they all relate to safety. If you are talking with someone, switch to a working channel so you are not keeping others from using channel 16 or 9. In some instances, the Coast Guard may even order you to switch channels if you are abusing these channels.

Having an antenna with the right gain, and located as high as practicable, will give you the optimal operating conditions for using your VHF radio. Unlike VHF radios, SSBs require a large ground plane in order to radiate its signal which except on metal hulls, needs to be installed in the form of a large copper mesh panel . With SSBs, antenna selection and installation is also more complicated.

And unfortunately, unlike some other technologies today such as VHF and cellular, you can’t combine your satellite TV and satcom antenna into one unit. The laws of physics dictate that higher power and data We’ve noticed that among rates require a larger antenna. In other words, nearshore fishermen, the cellphone being ruthless in your evaluation of your off-has in many instances, replaced the shore communication needs will likely save you big bucks. Any channel may be used with either single or double sideband amplitude modulation except Channel 9, which is reserved for emergency communications.

This latter case clearly exceeds the roughly 25 mile maximum range limit described above. There are many other factors which can affect range and performance. The first of which is the rapidly diminishing strength of the transmitted signal with distance. The power density of an electromagnetic wave is proportional commando cleaning essentials to the inverse of the square of the distance from the source. So, for every 4 miles your signal travels, its strength is reduced by a factor of 16. Estimated field strength exceeded at 50 percent of the potential receiver locations for at least 10 percent of the time for TV channels 14–69.