This mid century walnut desk was made from a vintage desk that had been used as a coffee table for decades but had to be replaced because the hardware was no longer in a good condition. A little bit of restoration work was all it took to turn this mid century piece of furniture into a modern desk with a rustic charm.

It makes a great contemporary art piece as well as a great desk. It has a very rustic charm and an overall beautiful touch.

The color scheme is a dark brown with a subtle gold tint. It’s very elegant and simple in design. It’s easy to clean and looks great.

The hardware is a walnut with a nice grain. It’s really nice looking and you can customize the hardware by painting it with a few different shades of color. The grain is nice and there’s a nice rustic vibe to it.

Its sleek looks, a great design, and a perfect size make it an attractive addition to any home office. Its the perfect desk for any modern home office.

Mid century walnut desk? A desk for a mid century? It looks like a mid century walnut desk, but it’s not. It’s an antique mid century desk. It’s also made of walnut, but it’s not, it’s made of solid wood. It’s a nice desk but it’s not a mid century walnut desk.

Like I said earlier, the grain and rustic feel is beautiful. But it isn’t really mid century, it actually dates back to the 1940’s. The grain isn’t even the right type of grain, its more of a dark brown, the color of walnut. But it is nice, its just not mid century.

Like I said earlier, its made of walnut, but its not, its made of solid wood. Its a nice desk but its not a mid century walnut desk. Its also made of walnut, but it isn’t, its made of solid wood.

Now that I said that, it’s really not a walnut desk at all. It is definitely mid century, and so is the desk. It has a walnut finish, but it isnt mid century. Its made of solid wood, and has a walnut finish, but it isnt. It is a nice desk, and has a nice walnut finish, but it isnt mid century.

This is a good point. I have a walnut desk I’m actually quite happy with. I have a walnut desk that I’ve been using as a desk for a year or so, and it is great. Its a nice desk for the price, but it is not mid century walnut. It is made of solid wood, but it isnt walnut. I would call it mid century walnut if it were ever made into a desk.


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