I recently completed a course at Mira Vista Photography (MVP) on learning to capture life through the eyes of another. It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot. The class focused on capturing moment to moment, and I was really inspired by the work of some of my favorite photographers: Mario Merz, John Olsen, and David Lee. I’m excited to be able to share this knowledge with my photography friends.
I love the idea of creating something beautiful through the lens of another person. I think I’m most proud of the work of Mario Merz, who creates a lot of beautiful works of art through his camera. I also love the work of John Olsen, whose work is really stunning to look at. It’s also inspiring to see the work of David Lee, who took over the world of portrait photography with his beautiful work.
If you want to know more about my obsession with photography, check out my photography blog where I post my photos from around the world. I also have a photo of myself holding a photo book I took to the beach. I do still need to create more photo books though, so keep your eye on the schedule for more details.
If you want to see some really amazing photos of the beach, you can find my Facebook page.
I thought this was interesting. I’ve noticed that many of the photos that I’ve pulled for use in my blog have been taken in the past year or two, and that the ones that are from the past two months are usually super-high-resolution. I’m not sure if this is a trend towards better photos, or a trend towards a more expensive camera, but I’m glad to know.
In our quest to find the best photos of the beach, I found this photo to be particularly excellent because it’s just that bit too high-resolution to be useable in a blog post, but it’s still enough to show the beach and the resort (and the sea wall) in all their glory.
To give you an idea of how high-res your photos can be, I took a picture of the hotel’s famous pool in the summer of 2010. Theres a tiny bit of a hill right next to where the pool is, so the water level was way too high to really show anything, but Im glad to know that I could get a good shot of the pool and get some nice photos of the beach and the resort.
I have a few images of the resort and beach, but not the pool. Theres a ton of low-res photography out there.
So I think I’ve just talked about the most important part of photography. The quality of your images. Of course, the quality of your photos is directly proportional to the quality of your images. Because all of the other elements of a good photo are just as important, like lighting, aperture, and even camera settings.
I think the most important part of photography is the quality of your images. The quality of your images is directly proportional to the quality of your images. Because all of the other elements of a good photo are just as important, like lighting, aperture, and even camera settings.