If you are new to the Nelson Enterprise Technology Services space, you may be asking yourself why I’m talking about this here. A lot of Nelson clients are wondering “How does one start”? Well, in this post we’re going to put our experience to work for you.
The answer to that question is simple. Don’t be afraid to ask. It’s a common mistake to think that you need to know everything about Nelson so you can get a job with them. Nelson is not a job; it’s a partnership. Your job is to serve the Nelson clients, and they are not the Nelson clients. They are employees, and Nelson is a place where you can talk and have a conversation with them.
Nelson is a service where you can talk to people, learn about their lives, etc. The Nelson client is a customer, someone who is going to trust you, and hopefully work with you. The client is the Nelson agent, and Nelson is the Nelson partnership.
Nelson has been around for a while now. It started as a small company in Texas in the early 2000s, that went out of business in 2005. Its original purpose was to provide consulting services to Nelson clients. Over time, Nelson has expanded to provide more services to clients, including the Nelson Enterprise product, a suite of tools for managing Nelson clients, and Nelson Enterprise Advanced, a new level of service for Nelson customers.