The primary goal of historical criticism is to discover the text’s primitive or original meaning in its original historical context and its literal sense or sensus literalis historicus. The secondary goal seeks to establish a reconstruction of the historical situation of the author and recipients priscilla blain blog of the text. That may be accomplished by reconstructing the true nature of the events that the text describes. An ancient text may also serve as a document, record or source for reconstructing the ancient past, which may also serve as a chief interest to the historical critic.

Historical criticism is the historical approach to literary criticism. It involves looking beyond the literature at the broader historical and cultural events occurring during the time the piece was written. An understanding of the world the author lived in (events, ideologies, culture, lifestyle etc.) allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the work. Gender theory came to the forefront of the theoretical scene first as feminist theory but has subsequently come to include the investigation of all gender and sexual categories and identities. Feminist gender theory followed slightly behind the reemergence of political feminism in the United States and Western Europe during the 1960s.

Understanding critical perspectives will help you to see and appreciate a literary work as a multilayered construct of meaning. Reading literary criticism will inspire you to reread, rethink, and respond. Soon you will be a full participant in an endless and enriching conversation about literature. Psychological criticism frequently addresses motives—conscious or unconscious—of human behavior as well as the development of characters through their actions.

John Cheever, for example, frequently told reporters about his sunny, privileged youth; after the author’s death, his biographer Scott Donaldson discovered a childhood scarred by a distant mother, a failed, alcoholic father, and nagging economic uncertainty. Likewise, Cheever’s outwardly successful adulthood was plagued by alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, and family tension. The chilling facts of Cheever’s life significantly changed the way critics read his stories.

Frye’s historical consciousness has been in influenced not so much by the historians proper as by the metahistorians, those whose accounts of human action are carried along by the comprehensive mythical patterns they impose upon their material. When such patterns occur, the distance between the historical and the poetic tends to collapse. The study of such metahistorical patterns becomes especially appropriate for the literary critic because the informing principles behind them are akin to those of poetry and myth. This why Spengler has been a formative influence on Frye’s thought. “If The Decline of the West were nothing else,” he says, “it would still be one of the world’s great Romantic poems” .

In regard to Semitic biblical interpretation, the historical critic would be able to interpret the literature of Israel as well as the history of Israel. In 18th century Biblical criticism, the term “higher criticism” was commonly used in mainstream scholarship in contrast to “lower criticism”. In the 21st century, historical criticism is the more commonly used term for higher criticism, and textual criticism is more common than the loose expression “lower criticism”. Besides code-naming a range of gay and lesbian-centered theoretical inquiries, “gender studies” also stands in a usably unmarked relation to another rubric, “feminist studies.” Feminist studies might be defined as the study of the dynamics of gender definition, inequality, oppression, and change in human societies.