Once your article is approved, you will be requested to send us a photo for your bio. Do not sell.Hard selling is not useful for the reader; your articles should be made to inform rather than to promote. We only release technically accurate information, so your content writing must be well researched and provide evidence of any claims you make. Rates for sponsored posts start at $450, however we are very selective about our partners. Please do not contact us asking for link backs or commercial posts at a discounted rate. If you would like to share a more detailed article or advertisement about your product or service, you may opt to do so.

If you are choosing a category for health write for us, you can choose topics from various subcategories like fitness, mental health, food recipes, home remedies, fitness, and so on. Make sure the topic you choose to write should belong to these above-mentioned categories. Otherwise, our editorial team will not publish your blog on our website.

You must have permission for its use and give proper attribution and/or a link to the source. We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with the concept of Fair Use when quoting material and to understand copyright issues in general. Selene River Press reserves the right to insert links to other posts in the Selene River Press network . If your manuscript will contain art of any kind (photos, charts, graphs, line drawings, etc.), please do not embed it into the text of your manuscript.

Write about health and fitness for us and see how your fingers can do magic and benefit others with your knowledge. If you’d like to write for us, please be sure to read our terms, we only accept original health and wellness content that has not been published elsewhere. Basically, we look for content related to all aspects of healthy lifestyle, so if you have a passion for writing and health, get in touch! The quickest way to hear back from us is to submit the form below.

If you feel your health and wellness related article is a fit, please submit through the form below. You will get links back to your site and social channels, as well as be promoted through our social and email lists. Food Tank is looking for creative writers and journalists who can produce high-quality content! Professional writers and editors, as well as passionate wordsmiths with experience in food justice, food policy, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture, are encouraged to apply.

I have a BS in Nutrition and Food Science and have completed a dozen specialty courses related to nutrition, biochemistry, and food science. I am open to learning more, but foremost I would like to share all my knowledge with you. NutriInspector.com is a nutrition, diet, and weight loss-based blog.

Let the writer inside you jump out and provide people with knowledge on health which could be a lifesaver for them. Our platform aims to be the destination of choice in the digital health world, it is all about informative articles and thoughts to apply. We are looking for great blog content to add value to our page, we know the efforts of folks who pour their heart and emotion into crafting beautiful guest post health content. We are here to submit all the guest posts with creative writing and innovative ideas related to health and fitness. FitLivingTips welcomes all the writers who had been stopping themselves from letting their talent out because we believe in giving you a helping hand with your skills.

Who can share their perspectives, opinions, expertise and experience with the reader. We expect these sources to be credible and knowledgeable. Are not paid for their articles; professional or freelance writers may be compensated as an exception in some cases. High-quality content that is relevant, face-driven, research-based and easy for our audience to understand. The following guidelines will help you understand what traits can help you get approval and do-follow links.

If it’s not relevant, your hard work will be rejected, and you will not get another chance to post on our site. Your product / service will be included in the new member email. SEE ADVERTISING. Articles should not be previously published . Additionally, if you are interested in a research & writing internship or fellowship please check out available positions HERE. If the topic is heavier, then change your tone accordingly.