Mom News Daily is a great place for you to share your expertise. By writing for Mom News Daily, your story will get in front of more people. Your story will motivate and inspire moms and dads on their parenting journey. A leading online magazine for parents, Mom News Daily provides current, reliable advice on baby care, pregnancy and parenting.

We make it very easy—you do not have to submit an invoice. Just include your postal address with your submission and we will mail you a check. Please look over these guest post guidelines so you know what will be accepted. I’ve also included a list of topics we are looking for.

Most of the posts we publish include topics related to Parenting. Still, we also like to write topics related to Baby Care, Baby Products, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and lots more in that niche. Even though we don’t publish all articles that come our way, we accept contributions in almost all categories listed above. The opportunity to write for Proactive Baby is a great way to expand your reach as a writer and gain exposure for your brand. We have a unique readership of mothers, which gives us an invaluable target demographic.

The stomach is a bit more conspicuous, and they may start to crave junk and unhealthy food. During pregnancy, many changes happen in a woman’s body; especially for new moms, there are a lot of questions to be asked. We welcome topics on ovulation calculators, pregnancy tests, and pregnancy week-by-week updates. This also means being understanding and empathetic when other readers share their stories.

SB Rank can be considered as a full replacement for Google PR. Please note that after submitting your article to A Mountain Momma, you will not be able to use that article for publishing anywhere else. However, you can ask for permission from A Mountain Momma. A Mountain Momma has all rights to choose any article to publish on our blog. If any article does not fulfill all the requirements, we have the right to reject it without notice. You can also send us pictures and videos relevant to your content provided that they are original and yours, or you have the proof to use them.