Your report will be moderately edited and formatted if necessary to fit the style of the blog. See the Guest Posting Guidelines for more information, and if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us via the contact form. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet new people, expand your knowledge and gain confidence in the blogging world by connecting with other bloggers. We have compiled a list of websites to submit your guest posts to help you get started. I am not a veterinary professional, behaviorist or trainer, nor are any guest authors unless otherwise stated. If you have any concerns about your dog’s health or behavior, contact a vet or a trainer.

Look to previously published articles for inspiration and tips on how to write your own. Submit your Guest Post using the form on the Guest Post Submission page. The tutorials and how-to articles on this blog work well. Read some of the dog articles, tips, and other information on the guidelines page to get started. Consider submitting original, unusual articles that haven’t covered before.

Plus, we’ll send more companies as we find and review them. All submissions must be well written, contain 1000 to 1500 words. You should break it up with an intro, 2 or 3 subheadings with paragraphs expounding on each subheading and a final summary paragraph. Please include additional photos related to the topic that you are writing. If you’ve contacted us but haven’t received a reply in 14 days, check your spam folder.

If necessary, your essay will be highly edited and formatted to fit the style of the blog. See the guest posting guidelines for more information, and contact us via the contact form if you have any questions or concerns. In, we offer informative quality articles for all pet lovers. That is why you can collaborate with us so that our information bank is much more complete and diversified.

Make sure to keep the creativity factor in mind and compose with an engaging tone while authoring an article or blog post. The data of your blog post should be structured neatly with clear use headings and subheadings. This way, the audience will find it easy to read and comprehend. The PetPlace editorial staff reserves the right to make any edits they deem necessary to any work submitted by guest writers. Authors may or may not be informed of edits prior to publication. Followings are the queries of how pet bloggers search us on Google.

Every day and month thousands of people visit Woof Dog for trusted reviews, tips and advice about their pets. And we appreciate every question, comment, and suggestion. Each article is edited and checked for plagiarism before publishing. Minor edits are corrected that include things such as punctuation mistakes, subject-verb agreements, and so forth. If I read through the article and decide it needs more than simple edits.