Pg_ctl is not your interface to multiple running postgres instances. I hope I’m not missing something obvious here. I also doubled checked there wasn’t anything relevant in my .bash_profile; $ export

I don’t have that on my system (have @9.5), and that is what Dan was referencing the entire time… Maybe just mentally .gsub all of the @9.6’s from above with @9.5… Randomly deciding on a directory because you don’t know where the data actually is doesn’t work. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online.

In the root directory of your Web application server, locate the mmc-data directory (for example, /var/lib/tomcat6/mmc-data), then delete the mmc-data directory. The section in the web.xml configuration file allows you to define what external databases are used for storing environment and/or tracking data. For a quick instructions for all supported database servers, see Configuring MMC for External Databases – Quick Reference.

Make sure that all the tables that may be defined on the database are dropped. Another server is using the same IP and port as the original server. whiskey warrior 556 Try to identify the original server’s current IP and port, then re-pair. If the directory contains a previous version of the driver, delete it.

Click Backup to create a tar archive of the database at the location you specified. A server is correctly connected, but after the backup, deployed and/or undeployed apps are not shown or are shown incorrectly. Undeploy/Redeploy as needed to eliminate the unreconciled state. If you are also planning to Persisting Transaction Data to PostgreSQL, delete the string tracking-h2 and replace it with tracking-postgres.