Tumaini first became interested in NTDs during the launch of Youths Combating Neglected Tropical Diseases in February of 2020, hosted by Thoko Pooley. This event inspired him to start engaging in his own advocacy, with big plans for the future. Right now he’s working on a national youth platform to coordinate efforts.

Top Tanzanian scientist Mwele Ntuli Malecela died Thursday at the age of 58. NNN Statement in Support of the World Health Organization in the Context of COVID-19 The NTD NGO Network wishes to demonstrate its full support with the World Health Organization and express its deep concern over the United States Government’s decision to withdraw funding from WHO. “If we have a roadmap and vision for where we are aiming in NTDs today, if we have a sense of what works and how to engage, it is largely thanks to Mwele’s dynamic leadership. She will be missed beyond measure.” says Lisa Rotondo, Director of NTDs at RTI. Education in schools to improve early leprosy detection in Timor-Leste Embarking on a study-visit to Timor-Leste using grant funding received from the Robert Cochrane Fund for Leprosy, awarded by the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases is the top Open Access tropical medicine journal, featuring an International Editorial Board and increased support for developing country authors. Dr. Malecela is the first Director in the World Health Organization’s Office of the Regional Director for Africa. In addition, she was the first woman and first African appointed as Vice President of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes, as well as the first female Director General of Tanzania’s National Institute for Medical Research.

“We have lost a wonderful friend, a true role model for a future generation of African global health specialists and a strong partner with whom we had the privilege to collaborate for over 40 years,” Utzinger tells The Scientist. Malecela also served on an expert committee for the Mectizan Donation Program from 2001–2004. MDP is an international initiative that works to eliminate river blindness and lymphatic filariasis. I will never forget Mwele telling me about her experience running for President of Tanzania in 2015 – an incredibly bold ambition for anyone, but something that felt natural for her.

A number of developments are now influencing changes in the global health arena. First, the adoption and commitment to the recently agreed Sustainable Development Goals have specified health targets that are influenced by the ideals of universal health access and equity, and which require comprehensive national measures by governments. Mwele was known for her unwavering commitment to fighting NTDs and her dedication to improving the health of all people. She was a generous spirit, giving freely of her time and talents to mentor, collaborate, and inspire the next generation of global health professionals, particularly women.

In this context, the ADP is working with country stakeholders to design capacity-building interventions across six pathways towards an integrated approach for access and delivery, as noted above. The latest web innovations and technologies which has made the Web into a ‘Platform’, are become increasingly applied in the higher education arena. Tools such as Google docs, Google groups, Wikis, in the video, what does the officer recommend you do if it’s dark outside during the traffic stop? Blogs, RSS and Podcasting are gradually becoming more popular within higher education in teaching and learning. Collaboration and knowledge sharing are common terms in higher education, and in the corporate world of the today’s knowledge economy. However better infrastructure and facilities that enable these important issues are yet to be set and fully utilised in higher education.