swimmer, swim, road @ Pixabay

This article was originally published on www.seattletimes.

Seattle-based photographer Mike Stobbart has been bringing sports photography to the masses for some time now, but the Seattle Times actually published his latest work on our website, which you can check out here. The article is about his process of developing photos that he calls “seattle sports photos,” and how he gets the shots that he does.

It’s great to get images that capture something of the Seattle city that people who come to visit them from a distance will instantly recognize, but what makes them so special is that they almost instantly turn into a part of your daily life. Mike Stobbart was born in Seattle, but spent most of his childhood in the Midwest. Now he lives in Seattle with his wife and two children. He says that all of his photos that I see are a part of that Seattle life.

Stobbart’s work is not just about the city of Seattle though. He also uses his images to capture the Seattle personality that he sees in the people he photographs, just as many tourists or the locals see in their own photos. While his photos are not to be taken as a representation of the city in any way, his photos are clearly a part of the Seattle experience. They make a difference in people’s lives, just as the images he takes of the Seattle city do.

This is true for many of the people he photographs, most of whom are people he knows. The people he photographed are all very real and are a part of the Seattle life he has seen. We have all been there, seen the city’s beauty and the people it can so well. He may not know how to talk about it, but his pictures tell all.

Like most people, he loves to take pictures. He has worked for a lot of photographers, and he loves the work they do. He has taken many pictures for this site, and he loves his work. He knows it means everything to him, and he hopes that he has helped others feel the same way.

The Seattle sports photographers we know are all very talented and have a lot of work to do. They all go through a lot to find the right subject, but they all come out on top. Our photographer, Scott McLeod, has been shooting at the beach in Seattle for a few years now, and he has never once been disappointed with his work. He shoots a lot of wide-angle shots, and has really gotten into the nature of the city.

The problem is that for all the attention that he’s gotten, McLeod is a guy who shoots for a living. Most people who shoot for a living can’t do what he does. Sure, he can shoot a lot of wide angle shots but that’s not what he’s there for. He’s shooting for his own enjoyment and the pleasure of his work.

That being said, he has always been a little bit of a perfectionist. He is a perfectionist in the sense that he shoots for himself and his own enjoyment, but not to the point of not trying to improve. His images are very raw and real.

His work has been praised by some photography magazines and he’s even had a couple of exhibitions. He says that when he’s at his most relaxed, he likes to work in black and white, but he’s found it to be really difficult keeping up with the trends in the current day.


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