His output of fantastical predictions and stories linking politics, religion and cultural issues to the selling of PM and other products and services looks a great business in this post-truth age. Here in California, the only way to insure a structure or house from earthquake damage is through the State of California’s CAE or Calif. Policies are administered by traditional insurance companies. These policies have a very high deductible, meaning you get no compensation until the loss exceeds say $75,000 on a typical house. Premiums are tied to your regular home insurance policy and are high, as well. The Catholic Church gave people the weapons to fight evil.

In the year 2019, there was an event that took place that is titled Event 201. This scenario was partially funded by Bill Gates and it tai lopez social media torrent covered a flu-type pandemic that would affect the whole world. Greg is the producer and creator of Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com.

Are the forbidden secrets of the prehistoric past linked to the forthcoming events of the prophetic future? Is there a hidden hand confiscating and concealing artifacts relating to the world before the Flood of Noah and the hybrid entities that inhabited it? Are living giants still walking the earth today?

No amount of money or prestige is worth your life, and the lives of your children and family. I moved from L.A., and life is much better away from that mess. Steve Quale is obsessed with earthquakes and volcanos, I don’t see it provides us any useful information other than eventually the west coast will have a large earthquake. The most unsettling thing about Steve Quale is his tendency to promote any of the propaganda that NASA is lieing about. I refuse to believe that Steve Quale doesn’t understand that NASA is possibly the most satanic organization that exists, and everything that they claim is false. Some one posted above about how the Sun cycles correlate with earth quakes.

At this moment I somehow knew that what we were all observing as the “normal sky above us” was actually a holographic projection that is called “Project Blue Beam”. The electrical grid had suddenly failed due to a solar flare from the sun or possibly an EMP bomb from a hostile country such as Russia or China. Regardless, what had been previously masked through holographic technology, was suddenly visible for all to see. We break down everything we know about the future of live-action DC adaptations.

The problem today is first of all the over population and the other problem is the ignorance of humanity towards mother nature. Humans have decided where they want to build their cities. So those who don’t want to listen probably need to feel. Sure there are inocent people always suffering of natural desasters but that was the case in every society ever existed on earth. Just continue to ignore anything scientist are warning about and humanity will need to face desasters that will look everything we ever experienced in our life like a sunday morning breakfast with Yogi Bear. As for Steve Quayle being a Doom & Gloomer… NO….