cat, kitten, pet @ Pixabay

The technology purchase is a bit different for everyone. Some have a lot of money; others are just buying the newest gadgets. We all have different needs and desires. There is no one right way to buy technology; it’s all good, and a bit of a personal journey. For me, I just buy the ones who are the best. I don’t care about the bells and whistles, just the ones who will work for me.

I have heard from friends that they buy all the latest gadgets, then they spend all of their money on one thing, then after a few years they come back to the same thing and buy an old one that they really dont need. I think its just the way of the world, there is no one true way to do it.

Just because you don’t care about all the bells and whistles doesn’t mean you should avoid buying tech. I used to buy everything I could find. Now I only buy what I need. My phone, laptop, tablet, and gaming console. You can’t just put a new Xbox One in a drawer and expect to play video games and have a great game system.

This is the same concept as buying a new car, you just dont care about all the bells and whistles. You dont need a super-fast car, a fancy car, a top of the line car. You just want to drive a car that is reliable and fun to drive.

I understand that buying new tech can be a lot, but in the end, you’re the one who is making that decision. In the end you’re the one who is paying for all those bells and whistles that you don’t care about.

A lot of tech purchases are made because of the cost of replacing your old tech, and the idea that you can just replace your old tech without spending a lot is not a new concept. However, a lot of tech purchases can be made because of a fear that you will not be able to use the old tech in time, like when a new laptop is released and you need to replace all your old hardware.


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