Many script-heavy mods are marked with special mark in the guide, so you’ll know in advance which mods you’ll need to be careful with. Stability is almost the same for both SE and LE today – you can run a fully stable heavy-modded game without issues in both versions, with LE having a slight benefit in a long timespan. If you’re reading this and you’re a viewer of my channel videos, and/or a user of my modding guides and mods – it’s a time to support me, even if that’s a $1 pledge.

Remember to run patcher each time you’ve installed mods that add/change NPCs, perks or spells. You can also just make a shortcut of “ASIS.jar” to your desktop to same time in future. 1) You can ofc merge everything possible into a single .esp, but that’s not recommended. Try to merge the mods of same “common” category. For example, merge weapons & armors mods in one merged .esp. Patches into second and various other small gameplay mods in third one.

This is related to the Shift toggle bug where if you press Shift during/initiating a conversation it “sticks”. You can unstick Shift by pressing it once or manually clicking the exit key. Simply waiting may cause the NPC to eventually end the conversation. If you initiate a conversation with an NPC while holding the walk/run button, the button will invert upon leaving the conversation (i.e. if you use hold shift to walk, you will now have to hold shift to run). This can be fixed by opening a menu, holding the walk/run button, and then exiting the menu while holding that button. If you try to mine ore while in Sneak mode, you may become stuck in the mining animation.

Moon and StarAlso install the tiny fix for it. Deadly Dragons Splendor – Dragon VariantsInstall weedeater storage ideas only the main file. Diverse Werewolves CollectionInstall only the main file.

The swordsmanship Mini-Game in Sword of the Samurai has an interesting spin on it, in keeping with the game’s feel, which is to contain absolutely no anachronisms. Each time a combatant takes a hit, a brush draws the strokes in the kanji for ‘life’; when it is complete, they die. The one in 64 doubles as Mario’s health meter and Oxygen Meter, leading to a glitch where you can completely refill Mario’s health by dunking in some water and coming up for air. In Rogue Squadron there is a small icon of the current starship on screen. It’s blue and goes through green to yellow as your shields take damage, then orange to red if you continue to get shot up before your shields recharge.

Added DevourmentSuperPrey and DevourmentSuperPred keywords, which will cause NPCs to start with much higher pred/prey skill levels relative to their character level. Digest Items will now breakdown some armor and weapons into their components. Added DevourmentGatedDialog patch; this will put all top-level vore dialog behind a prompt, to reduce dialog clutter.

ForgetfulHatter — for another one of the dialogue mods that has been incorporated, and for helping design the locus vore system. BHUNP, UUNP, any UNP really — the textures aren’t supported by the equippable belly or the morphvore bodies. Removed the vore weapons and armor, except for the Blade of Diminution and the Ring of Augmentation.

The mod pairs best with The Ultimate Dodge Mod by distar66, allowing players to dodge incoming attacks. Players will need to install some prerequisites, however, which are listed on the mod page in the requirements section. Sci-Fi life meters often change color as health declines, from green, to yellow, and down to red. Other colors usually indicate something unique about the character or game.

Important Points To RememberOnce you have your alchemy fortified to a satisfactory level, you can then make super-powered potions at will. So long as you don’t remove any of the enchanted apparel after the last consumed potion has expired, it will retain its boosted enchantment value until it is unequipped). It is possible to learn a spell and keep the spell book, while producing infinite copies of the book to sell for a little more than you could a normal book . While still in the container menu of the bookshelf, read the book using the appropriate button. If you take the book, it will disappear off the shelf, but will reload if you enter the shelf’s container menu and exit, producing a copy on each load.

This mod has some patches for mods you may possibly have. If you’re using ELFX hardcore module and ASLAL, this will be useful. While ENB preset choices is a matter of taste more then anything else – still, there are always some presets that are top-notch in terms of overall quality and balance. And Rudy ENB is one of them – it’s my personal favorite for both Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE. It has amazing quality of shaders, a gret balance between fantasy, cinematic and realistic look, great performance. Great lighting, great water look and just absolutely polished approach to ENB tweaking in general – that’s all about Rudy’s preset.