I find that these days marketing technology is so important to have a well-rounded marketing strategy. So, I’ve compiled this list of blogs that are some of my favorites with the best articles and advice for keeping up to date on all things marketing technology.

There are marketing technology blog posts on everything from content marketing, social media and analytics tools! Here are some of my personal favorites:

  1. Social Media Examiner– This site has what you need for understanding how social media can be used as a customer service tool, learning about the changing landscape of Facebook advertising products, or even figuring out if LinkedIn is right for your business.
  1. KISSmetrics– You can find all kinds of marketing statistics, data and analytics on what works and what doesn’t work online. It’s all there for you to learn from.
  1. Nielsen Online– It’s hard to keep up with the different marketing strategies and tactics being used in the online world. This site can tell you exactly how your business is doing on a plethora of different metrics.
  1. Hubspot Blog– This site is written for marketers, but they also have resources available for those who work around the tech side of things as well! Check out how they’ve created a blogging app for non-technical people to produce high quality content!
  1. Zuberance Blog– Have a knack for content marketing? This blog gives you tips as well as case studies on how to create successful content that builds your business.
  1. Marketo– On this blog, they cover topics from social media to blogging, and even what it means to be customer-centric with your business.
  1. InsideView– As a tech company, they know how important it is to keep up with the latest technology in the industry. This site has great articles about what’s working in social media and other important topics!
  1. Moz Blog– When it comes to marketing your business online, SEO will become an integral part of your strategy. Check out the blog to learn tips from those in the industry who know what they’re doing.
  1. Hubspot Analytics– This site is based around how analytics can help your business grow in 2016 and all the way through 2020!
  1. Smart Insights– This blog covers articles on mobile trends, content marketing strategies and more! They also provide free videos where you can learn even more from industry experts.
  1. Techcrunch– It’s a tech blog of course, but their marketing section provides information on marketing technology as well as important news regarding current events in the world of tech and online business.
  1. SEER Interactive– This blog covers all things related to inbound marketing. It provides helpful advice on blogging techniques, social media and more.
  1. Distilled– They cover topics on everything you need to know for marketing your business online, from SEO to content marketing and analytics.
  1. Alltop– There are blogs available for pretty much anything you can think of, including marketing! You can learn about the latest trends as well as what’s making headlines and get up to date with what’s happening in the online world!
  2. The Drum– Need tips for how your brand can use interactive advertising? This blog provides information on trends in social media advertising and how it’s changing things up for brands everywhere!


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