Travel can write for us on my website and some other sites. It’s a great way to connect with my blog orbecome a guest writerto get new readers specifically on your own site, and build a whole travel community. I am very very busy now that I have gone back to work full-time. I am doing 2 travel blogs and 4 podcasts so I could use some guest posts, but really I am looking for 1 or 2 good posts a week. So just know that I am looking for a reason to say quickly no to 99 people a week. So if you want me to say yes, at least read everything before the Bonus Information heading.

I need to make sure I have a legal right to use any photos. I can find creative commons licensed or public domain photos if I need to. One of the reasons that I like to see photos, even bad photos, is that it increases my confidence that the author has been to the destination they are writing about. At Global Travellers, we pride ourselves on high quality, informative and reliable content. We want to make the beauty of Pachamama accessible for everyone. We will be referring to these themes when reviewing your submission.

Before you start, include a few different ideas in your email. So we can have a few subjects to choose from and don’t waste the time. Before you think of something to write, please look at our blog. Search if an article with your idea already exists, and also get a glimpse of the way we write and what we are looking for. Obviously, by writing for us you earn recognition and traffic to your site from Corfu’s largest travel blog. Guest posting should be and is completely free, the quality of the post is the only factor we consider, so we need to see the post.

In short, articles that will help others on their own growth and transformation journey. I have some very specific guidelines I look for when accepting a guest post. When submitting please ensure you keep within the framework below. If you’ve ever fancied yourself as a travel writer then now might be your chance! The world is a big place and I can’t get to it all myself. I’m always interested to hear from people who want to be featured on the site.

I am extremely impressed with your writing talents and the layout of your blog. Guest posting outbound links help you to boost our website domain and page authority. That means – please do not contact us if you are a content agency, or someone who wants to buy links. Much of the content on A Piece of Travel contains information on wheelchair accessibility. We need a lot of street photographers, documentary photographers, black and white photographers, and ruin photographers. Through street photography, you can also focus on people and their behavior in public, thereby also recording people’s history.

Here are my criteria for a guest post on ViaTravelers. Our editorial team will go through 1-2 rounds of edits to help you tailor your post to our needs. If by round 2 your post isn’t where we need it to be, we unfortunately won’t be able to move forward. We try not to make you jump through hoops if we don’t intend on publishing your post, but please be aware that it does happen. Currently, we are accepting pitches for destinations within the United States, Mexico, Canada, and Europe. If you are a business with a marketing budget who’d like us to publish an article about your brand or product, please head over to our Partnership page.

But, don’t write to us before you read every single word on this page. And don’t forget to include “Guest blogging” in the email subject. First, We reject every email that includes the following expressions. Media files are not mandatory, but they add value.