Seven seedlings of the verdant sages, a group of immature offspring of the most ancient and wisest treants of the North known of in the mid–14th century DR. Treants were opposed to creatures that were careless with fire, poisoned trees, or destroyed great trees. Especially those that destroyed trees close to awakening into a treant. Tolkien wrote that he “longed to devise a setting in which the trees might really march to war”, unlike what he felt to be the “shabby” treatment of the story in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. FantasyNameGenerators generates all types of names in all languages and several categories. You can use these names for your own identity and other purposes.

You can speak, read, and write Sylvan and Common. Treants can communicate with any tree of their own type as though using a Speak With Plants spell. Most treants reach maturity between 8 and 15 years. Treefolk live about half as long as the trees they resemble. Smaller trees may barely live to 60 years, while others may survive for multiple millennia. Provides Treant Protector and his team with a useful aura, most notably the attack damage bonus that scales well in the late game.

Alignment.Most treefolk tend towards neutrality. They often resemble trees in their appearances, often with a face carved into them. While in direct sunlight, you can expend a Hit Die to heal yourself as an action, while not taking what should be done following health violations from an inspection a short rest. You can also expend 1 hit die to regrow lost limbs. Applies a slow to keep enemies in range of your powerful physical attacks in the early game. Treants remained aware of their surroundings while rooted in place.

It was sung by the Elves (as the Ents were content simply to “chant their beautiful names”) that one day the Ents and Entwives would find each other. Indeed, in The Return of the King, Treebeard implored the Hobbits not to forget to send word to him if they “hear any news” of the Entwives “in your land”. You can go through some history books that have information about treants or can search across the internet, and books are more preferable as they provide authentic information. Basically, traents are magical characters so try to go for magical names that will give your treant character name more sense. Treants were capable of speaking languages like Common, Elvish, Sylvan and Druidic.

Overgrowth’s root will help him use this item reliably as an initiation tool. Gives miscellaneous bonuses and charges to heal or hurt heroes. Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting 1 second after cast, resulting in 3/4/5 instances. However, attacking breaks the invisibility, regardless of whether the attack actually landed or not.