Green plants therefore, always occupy the 1st trophic level in a food chain. The roads and railways have maximum developed in the plains of north India and in this region they compete for passengers as well as freight traffic. The introduction of permit system in road traffic especially the goods transport was aimed at reducing this competition in favour of the railways. According to a study there is further need to have km.

It is an offshoot of the ancient Silk Road. Which of the following statements regarding red soils of India is/are correct? The colour of the soil is-red due to ferric oxide content.,2. Red soils are rich in lime, humous and potash.,3. They are porous and have friable structure. Which of the following are true regarding equinoxes?

Those who thinks that aliens & UFOs are all bogus sci-fi things , then read our hindu scriptures like the Vaimanika Shastra written by sage Bharadwaja . Back then in satya yuga such mechanical space crafts were known as Vimanas and could fly almost at the speed of light . In Bharadwaja’s which of the following characteristics of protein will remain intact if the protein is denatured? book it is mentioned how to manufacture and pilot these crafts . And this book which was originally written in sanskrit was found by the chinese a few years ago . They took it to Hariyana for translation , saying that they were researching on matters like anti-gravity and such .

So, download MCQs on World climate and weather in geography subject and enhance your speed and accuracy while answering in real-time tests. Which of the following statements is/are correct? A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when traveling westwards,2. A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when traveling eastwards,3. International Date Line is an internationally agreed line drawn parallel to the 180° meridian,4. International Date Line divides the Pacific Ocean into two equal parts.

As far as goods transport is concerned, it is mainly in the hand of the private companies or individual operators. The road transport for the long distance freight traffic has also increased over the period. This is due to faster movement of freight and the personal care which can be provided by the road transport.

To know more about this matter you guys need to delve yourselves into the study of Ufology . In the past there were many extraterrestrial space crafts that crashed on earth , which were actually retrieved by the military . China is a hidden selfish communist nation but india is not so they are loving and has many religions and no body will take a handfull of sand for india.

Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich and is at 0° Longitude.,2. International Date Line, on the map appears as a straight line along 180° Longitude.,3. While crossing International Date Line from east to west, one gains a day.,4. Which of the following are true with respect to the Indian Peninsular Plateau?,I. The southern plateau block is formed mainly of granites and gneiss ,II. The Deccan lava plateau is an elevated tableland consisting of horizontally arranged lava sheets ,III. The Malwa plateau dominates the Vindhyan scarps forming the northern flank of the plateau ,IV.