A. The Superintendent/designee will monitor standards and procedures related to attendance as set forth in state law and policy. Disciplinary consequences for unlawful/unexcused absences will be applied as outlined in the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct. Students cannot be suspended or expelled solely for attendance-related offenses.

HCPs prefer to receive education from experts and share insights with their peers. MNG Health offers new formats that change the paradigm of peer-to-peer education via our Peer DirectTM. Develop a countywide process for recognizing student attendance, which will be implemented at each school. Support school teams in reviewing chronic absence data regularly to determine if the school is meeting the established benchmark for chronic absenteeism, and implement strategies to improve it. Chronic absenteeism is measured relative to the number of days enrolled , rather than relative to the standard 180-day school year. This measurement is used because not all students are enrolled for 180 days.

Any information on the products contained herein is not intended to provide medical advice nor should be used as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare provider. Proactive supports and interventions will be provided through the HCPSS attendance strategies and school problem-solving teams for all students. The purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for student attendance, provide guidance for attendance monitoring and recording, and identify structures that support students’ attendance.

The American Physical Society , witnessed a four-fold increase in the number of registrations, and the European Hematology Association which typically attracts in the region of 12,000 face-to-face attendees, issued over 26,000 access codes for virtual attendance. Van den Camp sees a key part of Online Seminar’s role as making it possible for pharma companies to enrich the online experience through the creation of knowledge hubs. Questions and feedback can also be submitted during the broadcast via either chat that is sent to the client or agency for moderation, as well as through unmoderated channels that can act like a forum, facilitating discussion alongside the formal presentation. There’s scope for polling questions to gauge audience reactions and feedback, and including ‘call out’ links to other relevant content. Automate registrant post-event messaging—whether they attend or missed the meeting—to continually reinforce brand messaging.

64 percent of respondents say that registration fees for virtual events should not be more than 100 euros or $120 U.S. Interactive content, visualizations that allow viewers to manipulate datasets, clickable videos, games, and even augmented/virtual reality were all well received by HCPs. These more creative methods for developing content have served to meet gillette wy newsrecord a variety of learning styles and goals, resulting in better engagement and information retention. HCPS, in partnership with CVS, will be hosting a drive-thru flu shot clinic. Events will be held on various days in school parking lots throughout the county. Employees and their families (ages 9+) are welcome to attend an event to receive their flu shot.

Conference sessions and presentations need to be smartly tailored and easily accessible for optimum knowledge transfer. The most frequented, or viewed were the oral presentations, attracting 88% of HCPs, with invited speaker presentations or scientific sessions being viewed by 81%. Viewing these sessions on-demand was slightly favoured by 26% of HCPs, versus 18% whose preference would have been to view these sessions in real-time. However, the overwhelming preference once again is to have the choice; a combination of viewing on-demand or live. This is further endorsed by an overwhelming 92% of HCPs who would now consider attending a congress virtually which they would not have chosen to attend in person in the past. There’s a flipside to a greater willingness by HCPs to engage with digital, and that is working out how to engage with an audience that post-COVID is inundated with more content offers and engagement than ever before.

However, when we analyze the results of the events with our clients and partners in 2020, the number of participants and engagement have both increased universally and significantly. Reach HCPs via customer flows and dialogue in the digital channels and your event presence performance does not need to be the victim of general digital fatigue prevalent across most parts of the globe. Finally, with vaccines raising the prospect of the pandemic coming under control, what is the future of medical congresses?

In other words, the Customer Experience is suffering at digital events, which was also uncovered in Vertic’s digital event study. At Vertic we typically draw up the entire digital ecosystem of the events and define customer flows both within the promotional and non-promotional parts and define the interconnections for a seamless Customer Experience. While virtual meetings have drawbacks such as how to measure attentiveness, there are ways to navigate around these drawbacks and implement strategies such as live polling and chat boxes to keep sites engaged. Nothing can replace face to face engagement, however, in 2020 where health concerns from COVID-19 are at the forefront, it’s important to understand the benefits of executing virtual investigator meetings to keep studies, networking and education in forward motion. On the other hand, 31 percent said they had little or no interest in visiting a virtual exhibit hall, while 27 percent of all respondents said they are unconvinced of the value ofinteracting with reps virtually.

The simplest and most effective way to measure ROI for a pharmaceutical Investigator Meeting is site attendance. While live meetings bring greater potential for peer to peer learning and more productive engagement between sponsors and site attendees, virtual investigator meetings come with some unique benefits of their own. Some attendees felt they did not receive enough pre- and post-event information or materials. With the huge opportunity to now extend the engagement journey with attendees and keep them interested, it is important to consider the full virtual conference experience from prior to through after attendance. Organizers have spent years on perfecting the physical event experience and do not have the experiences and capabilities to do best practice digital first events. They are catching up quickly, but it has been the proverbial case of building the plane whilst flying.

Support principals to ensure that teachers take attendance daily and accurately report student attendance. Henrico County Public Schools will achieve and maintain full accreditation through continuous growth for all schools and students. Attendance guidelines will be communicated annually to all students, parents, and school-based employees.