R-squared measures the amount of variance around the fitted values. If you have a simple regression model with one independent variable and create a fitted line plot, it measures the amount of variance around the fitted line. This process introduces a variety of problems, including misleading coefficients and an inflated R-squared value.

Resistor and voltmeter should be connected in parallel. Record three different readings of ammeter and voltmeter and also use a rheostat. Resistors and voltmeter both are connected in parallel.

This video describes the calculation of effective resistance, total current… For this problem you needed to understand what a voltmeter measures, Ohm’s Law, and that V is constant when in parallel, and I is constant when in series. B) The high resistance of the filament wire is responsible for the difference seen between the filament wire and the other wires of the circuit. The elements of an electric heating devices are made using nichrome. Explain why, filament type electric bulbs are not power efficient.

Determine the equivalent resistance of the network and the current along each edge of the cube. When current passes through a cell, there is a drop in potential across it due to its internal resistance. This is called the lost volt.

Use the proper circuit symbols in your diagram. In 10s a charge of 25C leaves a battery and 200J of energy are delivered to an outside circuit as a result. Also, a voltmeter will have a high spideygirl blog resistance than an ammeter. A) Name a device which helps to maintain potential difference across a conductor . There is a flow of electrons in the wires when the light is switched on.

For resistors R1 and R2, note three readings of ammeter and voltmeter. A) The heating element of an electric iron is S because the resistivity of S is high. Explain why, the current that makes the heater element very hot, only slightly warms the connecting wires leading to the heater. An electric motor takes 5 ampere current from a 220 volt supply line.

This resistance reduces the current through the galvanometer when the movable contact is far away from the balance point. This, in turn, protects the galvanometer from the damage likely to be caused by the high current. Write two characteristic properties of the material of a metre bridge wire. Define the term ‘conductivity’ of a metallic wire.

It is different from the direction of flow of electrons because the electrons flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. A) The flow of electric charges or electrons in a conductor such as a metal wire is known as electric current. Ampere is the SI unit of electric charges. In a potentiometer, a standard cell of emf 5V and of negligible resistance maintains a steady current through the potentiometer wire of length 5 m. Two primary cells of EMFs E1 and E2 are joined in series with the same polarity and opposite polarity. The combination Is connected through a galvanometer and a jockey to the potentiometer.