Wake me at 7:15. That’s why I love this time of the day. It’s the perfect time to write my blog and read my newsletter, or make my smoothie, or work on my craft. I like setting my alarm for 7:15 so I can have a quick and easy breakfast, then I can get right to work.

It’s also why I hate the fact that I can’t get my sleep schedule to work in the evening. I always have to leave the house around 8:30 or so to get to my job or my friend’s house so I can get my work done, but I can’t get to sleep until 9:30 (or later depending on my time zone) and by that time I’m hungry and cranky and tired.

I have heard that working late to get your work done at night is one of the most common problems that people have on the internet. It can take a few hours of your time to get to sleep. The good news is that all you have to do is set your alarm to be 715 so when you get up and get ready for work, you can fall back asleep in less than 20 minutes.

this is a great tip but to make it work I have to get myself to the office. Because if I go to bed before my alarm rings I go to bed with a mind full of last night’s dreams, not the morning.

The best way to be prepared for work is to get to bed a half hour early. That way, your body is already asleep when you get up at the crack of dawn.

I’ve been using that method of preparation for my office life for a couple of years and it works great. The problem is I have to get up so early. If I try to sleep in before 7, I have to get up at 7 and then I have to get my dog to go to the bathroom so I can shower. This is not fun.

This is why we should all spend a little extra each night on the things that take our mind off our worries. If we don’t mind waking up at the crack of dawn, then we can really focus on the day ahead.

Waking up early is one of the easiest methods of going about your day, but it is also one of the hardest. Getting ready at the crack of dawn can be a real challenge, so I recommend that you take a nap while you make your coffee or get dressed. And if you want to try waking up early again, it’s always possible to get up later.

I think its possible to wake up early, but doing so will actually take you away from your day. If you wake up too early your brain has to turn off and you wont be able to focus on the things that are important to you. If you stay up late you are in effect putting off your important day until it will actually be too late. The best way to get back in the game is to have a good night’s sleep.


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