I know I say this all the time, but I really like this West Elm rug. The rug is well-made, well-upholstered, and has lots of interesting colors and prints. It has a timeless look that I love.

As you might imagine, there were some design issues with its original design that forced us to change the colors and pattern a bit for the new rug. However, it’s still super cute and so well-made that it’s easy to forgive.

I can’t wait to get it and have it hanging in my home.

The West Elm rug is a classic design that I love the look of, but the colors are a bit too dark for my taste. I was excited to see that the new rug looks a bit brighter, maybe with a few more purple tones? But that doesn’t really make it better. I like the classic look of the rug, just not the colors.

As the new rug was made of wool, it was probably lighter than any of the wool rugs in my stash. But I don’t think it’s too bad because the colors are bright and vibrant. I think the color scheme could have been more “bright-toned” with more purple tones, but I don’t think it would have made the rug look any better.

I wouldnt call it a rug cause it doesnt look like one. It looks more like a rug with a rug cover (like a rug blanket) on it. The rug was actually made from a woven piece of wool, the wool was dyed dark purple, and then the wool was woven together to make this rug. The rug was probably made of a blend of two different colors of wool, so the rug would just look a bit more purple than the rug in my storage.

There are several varieties of wool: blue, white, red, and gray. The purple is also called “mohair,” it comes from the Persian word for wool. Mohair is considered a softer wool and is often used in bedding.

I really should stop rambling now. I’ve got a nice amount of time to kill before I have to head back to the office. I’ll be back though so stay tuned to find out what happens when the rug gets stuck on fire.

We got this rug for my birthday from my friend Brian. I was really surprised because he usually uses wool. He also asked me what color it was. I told him it was blue and the blue is called a mohair. I guess I should probably tell you that the rug is not actually blue, it’s actually a purple mohair. I have really mixed feelings about this purchase. I love mohair, and I love purple.

To begin with, I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have my wife choose purple. The only other time I would have had to choose a color is if I was getting married, but I imagine we’re having a much more normal, non-commitment-type relationship. The fact that you can actually see the color of the mohair rug is the best part.


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