These companies must protect customers’ financial information under the Safeguards Rule. Outside of the health and financial industries, data protection is handled at the state level. Important confusion arises around whether PII means information which is identifiable or identifying . In prescriptive data privacy regimes such as HIPAA, PII items have been specifically defined. In broader data protection regimes such as the GDPR, personal data is defined in a non-prescriptive principles-based way. Information that might not count as PII under HIPAA can be personal data for the purposes of GDPR.

The more PII we produce, the more complex keeping it safe becomes. How much time you have to report data breaches depends on your state’s data breach notification laws, detailed below. If it’s exposed in a data breach, a cybercriminal could sell your information on the dark web. Thieves could then use anything from your Social Security number and birthdate to your bank account information or driver’s license number to take out loans or credit cards in your name or access your online credit card or bank account portals. More interactions are happening online, which means more of your PII may be shared online. But knowing what PII is and how it’s used could help you protect your sensitive data.

HIPAA was passed in 1996, and was one of the first U.S. laws that had provisions for protecting PII, a move spurred by the sensitive nature of medical information. As the easy transmission of data has become more commonplace, however, more laws have arisen in jurisdictions around the world attempting to set limits on PII’s use and impose duties on organizations that collect it. If you work in an industry which needs people to share personal information (e.g. healthcare, security industries, public sector), then you must collect and handle this data securely.

Additionally, any person may ask in writing a company the correction or deletion of any personal data. LifeLock identity theft protection is not available in all countries. Take these steps to help minimize the damage if your wallet is lost or stolen, possibly with your driver’s license, credit cards, and more, inside. You should monitor your bank and credit card accounts regularly, too. Look for suspicious withdrawals or purchases you know you didn’t make.

This is defined as information that on its own or combined with other data, can identify you as an individual. In theEuropean Union , the definition expands to include quasi-identifiers as outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation that went into effect in May 2018. The GDPR is a legal framework that sets rules for collecting and processing personal information for those residing in the EU. Many thieves find PII of unsuspecting victims by digging through their trash for unopened mail.

In 2023, companies expect to increase spending on public cloud applications and infrastructure, and hyperscalers that have … In some cases, criminals can open accounts with just an email address. Others require a name, address, date of birth, Social Security number and more information. Some accounts can even be opened over the phone or on the internet. Safeguard DOL information to which their employees have access at all times.