These aircraft must continue under VFR flight rules until the center provides a clearance. Additionally, the aircraft must be placed in a flow consistent with the aircraft’s route of flight. This effort is complicated by crossing traffic, severe weather, special missions that require large airspace allocations, and traffic density. These “flow restrictions” often begin in the middle how many electrons in oxygen of the route, as controllers will position aircraft landing in the same destination so that when the aircraft are close to their destination they are sequenced. Centers also exercise control over traffic travelling over the world’s ocean areas. Because there are no radar systems available for oceanic control, oceanic controllers provide ATC services using procedural control.

RAS is also useful to technicians who are maintaining radar systems. This article treats the physical and human geography of Africa, followed by discussion of geographic features of special interest. For discussion of individual countries of the continent, see such articles as Egypt, Madagascar, and Sudan. African regions are treated under the titles Central Africa, eastern Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa, and western Africa; these articles also contain the principal treatment of African historical and cultural development. For discussion of major cities of the continent, see such articles as Alexandria, Cairo, Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Kinshasa. Unlike strategy CEOs, change agents focus not on where their organizations will end up but on how they will get there.

Hard to trace in its origin, Hanlon’s Razor states that we should not attribute to malice that which is more easily explained by stupidity. In a complex world, using this model helps us avoid paranoia and ideology. By not generally assuming that bad results are the fault of a bad actor, we look for options instead of missing opportunities. It demands that we ask if there is another reasonable explanation for the events that have occurred. The explanation most likely to be right is the one that contains the least amount of intent. Well-paid jobs in Western Europe could move east with cheaper labour.

A “runaway feedback loop” describes a situation in which the output of a reaction becomes its own catalyst (auto-catalysis). When a botanist looks at a forest they may focus on the ecosystem, an environmentalist sees the impact of climate change, a forestry engineer the state of the tree growth, a business person the value of the land. None are wrong, but neither are any of them able to describe the full scope of the forest. Sharing knowledge, or learning the basics of the other disciplines, would lead to a more well-rounded understanding that would allow for better initial decisions about managing the forest.

Instead, they focus on shaping corporate policies that will strengthen their organizations’ competencies. In hiring, for example, expertise CEOs do not generally conduct interviews. They do, however, design and monitor the policies behind the hiring process to ensure that their companies will attract candidates who are experienced in the area of expertise or who seem inclined to become fully immersed in it. Similarly, expertise CEOs make sure that their companies’ incentive programs reward employees who cultivate the expertise and share it with colleagues. And they design control and reporting systems that track their companies’ missions and establish a focal point for all activity in the corporation.

“Critical mass” refers to the mass needed to have the critical event occur, most commonly in a nuclear system. Algorithms are best known for their use in modern computing, but are a feature of biological life as well. For example, human DNA contains an algorithm for building a human being.

System coordination to enable controller to negotiate the release of flights from one sector to another. Pursuant to requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization , ATC operations are conducted either in the English language or the language used by the station on the ground. In practice, the native language for a region is normally used; however, English must be used upon request. Africa contains an enormous wealth of mineral resources, including some of the world’s largest reserves of fossil fuels, metallic ores, and gems and precious metals. Although agriculture still dominates the economies of many African countries, the exploitation of these resources became the most significant economic activity in Africa in the 20th century. The rift itself begins northeast of the continent’s limits and extends southward from the Ethiopian Red Sea coast to the Zambezi River basin.

Latitudes can take any value between -90 and90 while longitude values can take any value between-180 and 180. If you specify an invalid latitude or longitude value, your request will be rejected as a bad request. Language defines the language to use for display of labels on map tiles. Note that this parameter is only supported for some country tiles; if the specific language requested is not supported for the tile set, then the default language for that tileset will be used. There are several possible maptype values, including roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain.