However, the main vulnerabilities are in the production and supply chain. Work surfaces need to be kept free of dirt and scraps of food, and out of reach of pets, rodents and insects. This is so that possible causes of microbial contamination are removed and food can be placed on the surfaces without danger to its quality. Food preservation methods are used to keep foods safe for extended periods of time. Pasteurisation kills most but not all of the microorganisms present. It is a very useful method when more rigorous heat treatment could harm the quality of the product, as in the case of milk, and when the aim is to kill only the pathogens that are not very heat-resistant.

This means that they have a very high water content and can support a lot of microbial growth. Accidentally adding chemicals which have a texture similar to table salt or sugar during food preparation; they should always be stored separately. Bad personal habits like scratching your hair and nose with your fingers also contributes to food contamination. Sneezing and coughing spreads contaminants and microorganisms through the air and onto uncovered food, and onto surfaces and hands that can transfer the infectious agents into food. The natural covering of some foods provides excellent protection against the entry and subsequent damage by spoilage organisms. Examples of such protective structures are the skin of fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and bananas (Figure 8.2).

Another main issue is simply the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually a critical item in the spreading of diseases. However this cannot be achieved due to the number of persons involved in the supply chain, as well as the fact that pathogens can be introduced into foods no matter how many precautions are taken. In recent years, the number of product recalls by companies has increased rapidly.

Food that is to be cooked must be cooked thoroughly to kill all pathogenic microorganisms. All parts of the food must reach a temperature of at least 70oC. You cannot tell how hot the food is just by looking, so it is important to cook the food for long enough to make sure that it is all varela blog wordpress cooked through. Cooking, as well as being a very important part of food preparation, is also used for preserving food; this is the subject of the next section. Whether in the home or in commercial premises, once in the food preparation area, food should be kept on shelves or clean racks.

In response to consumer demand, perishable foods are typically labelled with a Sell by date. It is up to the consumer to decide how long after the Sell by date a package is usable. Other common dating statements are Best if used by, Use-by date, Expiration date, Guaranteed fresh date, and Pack date. When used, freshness dating must be validated using AOAC guidelines. In 1970 the Center for Disease Control began keeping records on food-borne illness deaths.

Food protection is the set of methods used to prevent food from being contaminated. Food must be stored correctly, in an appropriate space, at the correct temperature and avoiding contact with any source of contamination. Vegetables with a high moisture content do not freeze well because cellulose tends to be broken down by enzymes regardless of the rate of freezing, making the vegetables soft. Therefore, for such food items, blanching to destroy enzyme activity is required prior to freezing. It can damage the food’s appearance, texture and flavour, and may also destroy some important vitamins.

From cafes to catering companies, market stalls to supermarkets, every food business in Australia must meet all federal, state and local requirements for food safety training. Always store chemicals separately from food, including cleaning products. For one, you have to be careful when you cook food to a safe temperature because you can burn your food. And second, the danger is that if you accidentally burn your food, you can kill yourself.

The occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness resulting from the ingestion of a common food is known as a food-borne disease outbreak. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potential health hazards. In this way, food safety often overlaps with food defense to prevent harm to consumers.

There are several traditional methods of food preservation used at the household level that can be classed as chemical methods. Substances such a sugar, salt, vinegar, spices and wood-smoke are generally regarded as safe and natural preservatives. Curing is a general term that covers all these types of food preservation.