With government quotas for cotton growth unabated, the toll to the environment continues to grow and ravage the region. One third of the foreign currency earned by the country is dependent on the cotton grown in the arid land of the Aral Sea region. In my research, I have found that Chinese farms in Central Asia are driven primarily by commercial motives.

Soil moisture and run-off may be more relevant than precipitation and meteorological drought indices as metrics of water resource availability, as these represent the water actually available for agricultural use. These quantities are routinely simulated by physically based climate models as a necessary component of the hydrological cycle. Figure 11 and table 1 show two scenarios of projected changes in soil moisture as a fraction of that required to prevent plant stress.

Even if GHG concentrations rose no further, there is a commitment to a certain amount of further global warming . Stabilization of CO2 concentrations would therefore halt any increase in the impacts of CO2 fertilization, while the impacts of climate change could still continue to grow. Therefore in the short term the impacts on global food production could be negative. However, estimates suggest that stabilizing CO2 concentrations at 550 ppm would significantly reduce production losses by the end of the century (Arnell et al. 2002; Tubiello & Fisher 2006).

In Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Land Issues in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS, Budapest, Hungary, 3–6 April 2002. Anarbekov, O.; Wichelns, D.; Akramov, I. Assessing the financial and economic viability of water user associations and canal management organizations in Ferghana Valley countries of Central Asia. In Proceedings of the Inter-Conference Symposium on Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road Restructuring, Resources and Trade in the Central Asia Region, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 4–6 April 2016.

This paper focuses on impacts on crop productivity, but many of the processes and impacts discussed may also apply to livestock. Some discussion of this is provided in the electronic supplementary material. Under the centrally planned economies, decisions about what commodity to produce, how, and where to produce and distribute the products are made by a central government rather than individuals in a market. Such command systems exist in socialist countries such as the former Soviet Union, Cuba and China. A total of nine key informant interviews were carried out with farm managers, representatives of WUA, and upper institutions of water management.

Inadequate drainage can also result from poor soil structure (Figure 17.16). Intensive use, loss of organic matter and compaction suzanne can read 1 page in 3 minutes. how many pages can she read in 5 hours? make a soil drain poorly in wet climates. It may be concluded that the installation of drainage lines will solve this problem.

The average annual precipitation is about 245 mm and the average annual potential evapotranspiration is above 1240 mm, resulting in a substantial annual deficit . Even after its independence from the Soviet Union, Uzbekistan has retained the system of state planning for its main agricultural products, cotton and wheat. Due to high prices and dependence on imports from its Central Asian neighbors, Tajikistan faces significant energy shortages. During the Soviet Era, energy was shared regionally, however, since the dissolution of the USSR and fragmentation of its Central Asian territory, regional energy agreements did not continue, leaving Tajikistan with limited domestic energy resources. The destruction of infrastructure during the civil war and refusal of World Bank funds has also contributed. In 2010, 2% of Tajik households had access to central pipeline heating and 15% to pipeline gas.