Welcome writers to contribute rich and high-quality guest articles on MageComp. Deliver a great online shopping experience to your customers and make them buy your products. Find a couple examples of excellent articles already published under your name. You’re also able to determine the visibility of your page on the right side by setting the date it will be published. Finally, don’t make your About Us page a rock-solid wall of text.

Where you source the materials for your product (e.g., manufacturing in a specific country or by providing jobs to a certain community). How you cut out the middleman and pass the savings on to customers. UnsplashPaint a picture of the future for your company or state its mission and goals. WP Standard’s About Us page is almost like a look book with a minimal amount of copy or details about its origin. Instead, the story is told through a video, imagery, and sparse copy that summons the idea of resilience, exploration, and embracing the essential.

Agreeing on a topic doesn’t guarantee that we will publish your guest article. We have the right to reject guest posts that do not meet our standards. In case you wonder if we focus on a specific kind of blog post, the answer is no. You could submit a post on a case study, how-to guides, your opinion, etc… or whatever that you come up with. It doesn’t really matter provided that your piece of writing is well-written, backed up with data and related to our site’s main topics of business and e-commerce.

Our blog editors have all rights to edit your guest article if any editorial amendments are needed. The article should contain a minimum of 2-3 internal links. Our articles generally get ranked in the top 5 positions. Every image must have a caption to deliver the message it’s trying to deliver. If the images being used are not free-stock photos, it is mandatory to credit image sources.

Today, consumers care about more than the basics, with 79% only buying from brands that prove it’s important to them that they earn their customer’s business. Make sure you weave this information into your brand’s About page by talking about what you can offer them and why you care. No matter what your store sells, every company has a story worth telling that can elicit emotions from its readers. In actuality, a well-designed About Us page can bring several benefits to your online store by helping with a number of brand-building tasks. We accept a limited number of guest post contributions each month.