Technology business write for us

Many technology businesses struggle to find writers who can write articles for them. This is because technology writing requires a specialized skill set that most writers do not have.

We know how difficult it can be to find the right writer, so we are offering our services as guest bloggers! We will write articles on any technology topic you need us to cover and deliver high-quality content that your readers will love. Fill out this form if you’re interested in working with us!

Article submission FAQs

What is write for us?

Answer: We are an online magazine, published every Tuesday. We accept guest posts and prefer original articles for publishing, but will consider re-published work.

Guest post submissions need 400-600 words, accompanied by at least 1 photo or illustration to accompany the story. Make sure to include your biography with links to your other writings before sending in the article via mail, which should be sent in together with contact information so we can reply back.

Where can I write and get paid?

Answer: You can write for us by submitting sponsored posts, guest posts, or regular articles.

We are an online writing platform accepting both guest posts and sponsored posts. Guest writers can choose to be paid up to $$ article return expectations of publishing experience, excellent research skills, etc., though the majority of our visitors come looking for answers specific to their experiences with no clear need or knowledge of what they’re looking for.

As such we need writers who are keen on delivering content that is original and relevant to their niche audience in order to help us provide answers tailored specifically to them. Contributors may also find it advantageous if they (a) draw heavily from personal experience (including first-hand accounts), at least one external resource, etc.

Why We Pay Writers for Guest Posts?

Answer : Guest posting has historically been a potential link to credibility for the blog author because it could be argued that an established company would have invested in that person’s content if it found value.

However, this is changing with the evolving business models of companies who are willing to pay writers to do guest posts for them without requiring any prior affiliation. 

The availability of payment may be fueling this trend towards more formalized agreements, as authors are less inclined to risk their names on unknown or underdeveloped sites. Bloggers are becoming increasingly aware of what they believe to be ethical issues related to blogging services because not all advertisers deliver ad campaigns responsibly and not all bloggers comply with FTC standards when dealing with advertiser-sponsored posts.

Where should you send your pitch?

Answer: Write for us – if you have great content then send it to our editorial team. accept guest posts – if you are an author or publisher, we would love to learn more about your publication and consider publishing one of your articles.

Please provide all the information for this type of sponsored post, and pitch it in the body of the email so that we can quickly react to any potential opportunity! For press releases contact us.

Whom do we allow to publish?

Answer: Any content can be submitted, and we often prefer submissions from professional writers. If you find a writer in the Writer Marketplace to write for us, we can pay them by the hour, per post, or on an ad campaign basis.

You also have the option of freelance writing and sponsored posts to promote your business. We take care of all social media work such as driving traffic and promoting your article across multiple channels like Reddit, etc.

Why is guest posting important for your business?

Answer: Writing guest posts is an excellent way for businesses to get their name out there, but it really depends on the business whether or not guest posting is worth the effort.

If you’re constantly trying to expand your reach and grow your audience, then writing a guest post might be right up your alley. Plus, by providing fresh content on a third-party site you’ll also earn some backlinks in return!

Since Google places such a high emphasis on backlinks when ranking pages in search engine results in pages (SERPs), this can be a way of building an SEO-friendly network that will bring brand awareness and more traffic.

Who Can Submit An Article?

Answer: We purposely publish content sponsored by our sponsors. If you are interested in this type of work, please get in touch with us with all the relevant information through the email address below.

We welcome submissions from English-speaking writers worldwide. No payment is made until after publication, but we do provide a space for business-sponsored posts like the one you saw today on a technology business development company to sponsor an answer or complete article.

What Kind Of Articles Do We Publish?

Answer: You can write articles for us about technology or business or practical advice. These articles should be relevant and informative to readers who are interested in the field.

We publish articles and news, thoughts, opinions, commentary with insight on technology, start-ups, and the like. While most posts will focus on Silicon Valley-related affairs (New York is not an outlier), it’s hard to define what “Silicon Valley” means these days; we’re open to stories reflecting the digital world across the U.S., Asia, Europe, and beyond!

Feel free to pitch via email/website/Twitter/Facebook with your topic ideas so we can help you craft a good angle for your story!

Who Are We Publishing For?

Answer: Your best customers are technology business writing content readers, and you should write for them. Proofreading is not as important as it once was because mistakes with spelling and syntax can now be easily spotted.

But the question still needs to flow logically, which is proving a challenge for some writers, and with icky-sounding words like “but” popping up in sentences like this: “I will win the race because I am fast but Jesse is slow.” A sentence would need to contain icky-sounding words like “but” more than five times before we would consider editing it to remove such repetition!

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What you should follow while ”write for us”?

As you have seen all the guidelines, we would need a complete article that is within 500 words. Here are additional pointers while writing –

Keep your focus on the “write for us” topic while drafting content

Submit articles to your assigned editor using the inbox feature before or after submitting them to the blogger platform draft stage 

Editors will go through the text carefully for quality control purposes by doing editing work which includes grammar checks, author checks, etc.

Guest contributors should not worry about any potential errors because editors will handle them later on with good skillfulness.

If you think there are any changes that can be made in the draft stage then please do let us know!

Email: [email protected]