CodingNepal is a blog where we post blogs related to HTML CSS JavaScript & PHP along with creative coding stuff. If possible, appropriately interlink your article with our previous related articles. Do not use promotional links in the body of the article. We only allow articles that contain at least 1000 words. You should have provided SEO meta description with your article. Your meta description should be well optimized, concede with a maximum of 160 characters, and persuading.

As I said above, you usually publish blog posts on your own website. It will waste time and money if you don’t make your blog post accessible to the right audience. Promote your blog post using digital marketing or SEO to reach a new audience. So please read the submission guidelines before sending a blog post for review. Avoiding the guidelines can increase the chances of guest post rejection. Please include a brief author bio at the end of your article.

—If you own the company for which you work, provide its Web address, and we’ll link your company name to your Web site. If you have a blog, provide its Web address, and we’ll link your blog’s title to your blog. Please provide the Web addresses for your LinkedIn and Twitter pages. If you’re planning to attend a conference and would like to write a review, please get in touch with us! If you’ve just read a great book—or perhaps a controversial one—please write a review for UXmatters!

We always need people to write reviews and interviews. For every published article you will get backlinks. WebdesignerDepot is the premier community for web designers and developers. Spun Content – We do not accept content that rewritten by Spinner Tools or Article Rewriter.

Thoughtfully discuss ethical and social issues in the creative industry. We’ll schedule you for publication as soon as revisions are complete. We can’t give you a specific publication date until the article is almost ready to go live.

We reserve the right to alter the structure and title of your article. If we make any changes, it’s because we believe the edited version will help your idea better reach the audience it deserves. If your article doesn’t educate or inspire creative pros, no shade, but it’s not for us. Don’t send us content that you’ve already posted somewhere else.

Once you’ve addressed our comments, send your revised draft back. The team will discuss it again and let you know if we want to accept it. For some wise words on the writing process, see “Writing is Thinking”. You should also check out “So You Want to Write an Article? ” to learn about common pitfalls we see in submissions and how you can avoid them.