Please note, Our readers come for Successful stories, Tips, and Advice on how to start and run a successful startup. ProProfs invites professionals excelling in customer support and experience to write insightful articles on Customer Support that add value to our readers. We have listed down simple guidelines that you need to follow when writing and submitting articles on Customer Support blogs for our website.

Startup life covers business, marketing, design, sales and general growth-related content, not directly related to the customer experience, but relevant to startups and new entrepreneurs. Before submitted your post please read our guest post writer guidelines. Your post must adhere to these standards or it will not be considered. Links to strong examples of the contributor’s published writing, ideally of a scope and style that is similar to the proposed article. Before you read on, please note that our feature articles generally steer clear of stories about fine art, and the artists behind it.

We do not accept Individual profiles of any startup founder unless or until they are well recognized and is a well-known household name. We do not accept Copied or plagiarized content on our website. And it is a serious violation of our policy which can lead to permanent deactivation and banning of your account. That being said most post tend to have between 1000 and 1500 words. Anything less and the post is usually not detailed enough.

We welcome individual writers and bloggers to write for us and contribute high-quality content to the Leave Dates blog. We accept up to 3 dofollow links in each post so make sure to differentiate them in your article. Influence 4 Growth, LLC assumes copyright of the content published on the Natfluence website located at

We are proud to be an international publication that incorporates a global viewpoint and attracts readers from all over the world. That said, the bulk of our readership comes from the United States and many of our stories are U.S.-based. Will review your submission and get back to you if it is something that we are interested in publishing. If your submission is approved, you will likely hear from us within a few days. If you have not heard from us after two weeks, it is likely that we have chosen not to publish your article. If you have any queries regarding sponsored posts or product/app reviews, let us know at

Your submission has been received and we will follow-up with you. We publish content that’s useful and/or inspiring. If your article doesn’t educate or inspire creative pros, no shade, but it’s not for us. You must have the right to use any image you include, and each image should include a caption.