We are always excited to have quality, informative, grammatically correct, and flawless content published on our website. So, if you can create high-end content that can bring value to our readers with well-researched and full-proof information, reach out to us soon. If you are keen on sharing your skills with the diverse community through our website as a contributing writer, then please contact us through email or contact page regarding ‘write for us’.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought hardship and ruin on the nation’s small businesses, but there’s now reason for hope. Learn about the resources, support, and tools available to help your small business bounce back and grow stronger than ever by picking up a copy of the campaign in USA Today and reading it online here. IF YOU ARE EMAILING FROM A Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail address, we will not reply. We are a professional business site and only highlight writing from professional sources. If you wish to sponsor your business-related articles, you can contact with the title SPONSORED POST for a prompt response. If you can, submit your article along with corresponding images attached .

If you’ve ever dreamed of seeing your byline in well known money-focused publications, it’s time to act. We do not allow embedded links in guest post content. We allow ONLY one link in the author bio, and it shall only point to the author’s website or the author’s employer’s website, which must be a verifiable small business.

We may remove the link on the author bio during the review. The submitted blog article shouldn’t be published anywhere, including on your own blog. Also, other guest posts related to the above categories. Our target audience is everyday investors exploring alternative investment opportunities as well as startups or early-stage businesses looking for financing.

All images should be original, licensed or public domain. If someone has shared an opinion on TFD and you disagree, we always welcome a good response. As long as we’re respectful of each other, and accept that what is true for one person might not be for another, we want to hear every side of an argument. Send your content to us directly at themoneyvisual[@]gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

To make sure your article gets published please send an article relevant to the below topics only. There is no limit on how many articles one writer can submit to us; it totally depends on you and your time schedule. You would love to help people who need any kind of financial information to make their decision to invest in financial products. High-traffic site that could draw considerable attention to your writing endeavors. However, freelance writers are paid varying rates determined by factors like the amount of reporting and research, the length of the article and your experience as a writer. Here are 21 opportunities for personal finance writers.

If you’re a member of the Yakezie Group of personal finance and lifestyle blogs or author of an established financial blog on a different network, you can submit guest posts to Beating Broke. If your content’s a good fit, you may be able to become a contributing writer and post on the blog regularly. Finance Talk providing an opportunity to submit a guest post into our website. Do you have expertise on a topic that you’d love to share with our audience? These are a great way to share your experience and advice with others so that they can start, grow business and their financial situations. Write for us to get Expand your outreach, Promote your Business, Linkbuilding and much more.

Try to find the topics that are present on the site or not before writing or sending content to us regarding writing for us. Unpaid, but you gain serious street cred by writing for this site, and you’re bound to get traffic back to your blog or site. Worthy articles are paid at a rate of up to $200, and the SEO post mentioned above has a budget of $200-$500.

You may, however, first ask for permission in writing to publish the article in your portfolio. We only publish technically accurate information that’s relevant to a New Zealand-based audience and demographic that’s likely to apply for personal loans and small business loans. Limited to up to two links per post and must be relevant to the article piece (not self-promotional).

If you are a freelancer or work for any kind of content firm and your primary purpose is to link to the keywords for boosting your SEO, we are really not interested in it. You are requested not to send the same query/questions again and again. You need to wait for our response before you resend your query about ‘Write for Us’. Also, do not use this service as spam for marketing purposes.