Pitch only original topics that have not been published elsewhere. You can write about any animal topic you want in Animal Boarding Near Me. You should also check whether we like the keywords you plan to use by reading articles that have already been published on our platform. Are you a pet lover and have an interest in enhancing the lives of dogs and puppies? Trained dogs are an asset for many departments that take their help to perform their daily search work.

Content that promotes buying dogs from pet stores or breeders. While we prefer original content, we will consider content that has run elsewhere. Please give us the link to other places where it has been published. It will take approximately two to three business days in order to publish your content and you will be informed after the content has been published. Keep your opening short, preferably less than 100 words . Your opening should intrigue readers to continue reading.

The blog posts articles based on that month’s theme, so keep that in mind. Send your pitch to the address listed on that page’s email address. You will be able to link to your website in both the author’s bio and body.

But to do that, you have to meet all our guidelines very carefully. Your website is either brand new, does not rank well, or your sole purpose in publishing an article is to improve and increase your backlinks. You can also provide a small head shot if you like. This is an excellent way to enjoy the free promotion, so we’d love to hear from you.

The writer can share their knowledge with the world and analyze their performance by looking at the views data. Emma was formerly a Senior Writer and Junior Editor for the Creative section. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in English, and combines her love of technology with writing. Since you’re not a volunteer in the organization, you can skip the first introductory segment of the course.

If you wanna use royalty-free images, add the image credits and the link to that source. If you use a quote within a blog post, you may only link to their Twitter handle. Add internal linksrelated to your topic.As we are Pet and Animal website, we accept linking to the same industry only. The editorial team at Pet Rescue Blog reserves the right to reject or remove any guest blog violating the following editorial policies. If you wanna discuss any policy, contact us here.