Submitted articles that do not supply a bio and headshot will be immediately rejected. We reserve the right to edit the article to fit our content format and to remove any unnecessary or self-promotional links we may find. Article should be unique and have never been published anywhere else on the internet.We only accept unique articles that are written for the Yocale blog only. is a technology blog and opinion website about gadgets, software reviews, technology, E-commerce, and digital marketing. Case studies, success stories, and data-supported articles are more than welcome and can gain bonus points.

If you would like to discuss possible topics before writing the post, please email us with your ideas. Submission should include a short author bio and profile picture. Links to your websites and social networks would be an asset. Content should be unique, we don’t republish all or parts of the previously published articles. You will accept any form of editing the Ideas Plus Business editorial team considers to be necessary and reasonable. This includes adjusting titles to optimize reader engagement.

If your article is denied for publication, take some time to review the guidelines and see if there are certain areas where you were lacking. And while your piece may have been well written, there are some submissions that just aren’t what we’re looking for. Your content should be a well-composed, digital marketing-conscious piece. We know you want people to read what you write, and so do we, so make your article accessible and easy to understand in order to make that happen. There’s no point in creating content if there’s nobody there to read it.

Your content should be 100% original and not plagiarized if you want to publish your content. Moreover,check for plagiarism in your content to ensure its uniqueness. This is a basic requirement, also you need to draft for humans and not for the search engine. Articles should be checked for spelling and grammatical errors prior to sending us.

To be specific, it should be better writing than the stuff we’re normally producing for our readers, and your biases and any conflicts of interest need to be reasonably well disclosed. Add images to convey your message, don’t add it just for the sake of it. Your post must be an original piece and should not be published elsewhere.

You are not permitted to re-publish any article submitted to our editorial team. We own all the published articles on the website You are expected to choose topics based on your professional expertise, passions, and experiences. We may not respond to email inquiries asking us to choose topics for article ideas. We do not guarantee specific types of backlinks in articles.

In order for you to become a regular writer, you will first have to pitch us a post and show us your writing skills and knowledge. Briefly introduce yourself and the type of content you are comfortable with writing. What are your strengths in terms of technology and in what segments would you excel. Provide us with your writing portfolio and/or samples of previous writing, which can also include other guest posts.

Articles submitted must meet all of these requirements to be approved. If you use outbound links in your text do not overreach the limit of 5 links per article. If you want to link to yours or your partner’s website, we can guarantee 1 follow and 1 nofollow backlink, one of them can contain the keyword appropriate for linked URL.